
He Was Called “ALIEN BABY” After being ADOPTED, Days Later His Life Changed Forever After The Unexpected Took Place -Touching Story (Video)

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A lien baby he was called and after being adopted his life changed forever.

When this kid was rescued by Social Services he was diagnosed with severe malnutrition.

The little one was very thin weak and with a sad expression his skin had a bluish tint and he was very fragile, during a visit to the two-month-old baby’s biological parents’s home the nurse found him with very dirty clothes not eating and covered in cat and dog hair so she called the authorities and the social agent took the minor from the house on the same day.

He started an investigation into this case the baby did not cry once to ask for food he just couldn’t said the nurse who pointed out the case when babies are not cared for they stop crying because they even lose the feeling of hunger through an MRI doctors confirmed that he suffered a non-accidental head trauma which is shaken baby syndrome.

when asked about it Tom’s real father admitted to shaking him and then throwing him on the couch neither he nor his mother called 9-1-1 or sought medical attention after the incident after the trial they were sentenced to four years in prison during this time at the orphanage some families visited him but when they saw his condition and the care he would need they ended up giving up on adopting him and some families even said he looked like an alien due to his condition.

It was then that the couple Eric and Leanne who were already parents of two children were very emotional to learn about the story of this kid they immediately accepted the request to take care of him he was a very Serene baby he put on weight quickly but Leanne sensed that something was wrong with him.

He was like a ragdoll he had emptiness behind his eyes she said after facing all the bureaucracy Leanne and Eric finally got custody of Tom and were able to take him home as their son and give him the love and affection he deserved he is now six years old and the sparkle in his eyes and the joy of Life have returned all thanks to the simple attitude of this loving couple.

Watch Video Below for complete details:

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