
Her husband left her with nothing. But once he returned, he did not expect what came next

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“Her husband left her with nothing, but once he returned, he didn’t expect this. Mabel was a loyal, faithful, and devoted wife. She gave her husband her all. She also tolerated everything: the lies, the betrayals, the deceit.

And yet, somehow, she still found a way to forgive him. She was also the sweetest woman you could ever come across. Sadly, one day her husband Freddie dumped her, leaving her with nothing, not even a dollar. But when he finally returned, he didn’t expect that his submissive and easy-going wife would do such a bitter and callous thing to him. How could she?

It was 9 pm, exactly the time Freddy would return from work. Before, he used to return around 5 PM, but he suddenly changed about two years ago, and he started coming home late, by 7 pm, and then 8 pm, and now 9 pm. Staring at the wall clock, Mabel’s heart began to race, and even though the room was cold, she began to sweat.

This was what happened whenever the clock ticked 9 pm, which meant Freddy could knock on the door anytime. Mabel wasn’t exactly sure why she reacted this way. Could it be because of the way Freddy would scream at her once he walked into the house? Or the way he would shoot daggers at her? Or the silent treatment? Or how she would greet him, and he would ignore her as if no one was there? Well, it had to be one of those things, or maybe everything.

This wasn’t the sort of marriage Mabel fantasized about, and for God’s sake, they had only been married for two years. Shouldn’t they still be at the phase where they just wanted to be all over each other? Most people say the best marriages happen when you marry your best friend, so why was hers falling apart?

You see, Freddie and Mabel had been in a relationship for 10 years before finally settling down, so things should be almost perfect, right? Sadly, that wasn’t the case. Mabel was still deep in her thoughts when she heard the horn from Freddy’s car. Then he pulled up in the garage. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang, and Mabel went to get it. As soon as she got to the door, she stopped in her tracks.

She could smell perfume all over Freddy, and he looked messed up and tipsy. Her gut instincts told her to ask him where he was coming from and go crazy, yell, just do something, anything to make him realize she wasn’t some doll that he was toying with her emotions. But Mabel found herself awkwardly saying, “Hi, how are you, Freddie?” You would expect him to at least be kind and say something nice, right? But no, instead, he pushed her out of his way. He didn’t even look back when she fell on the sofa, slightly hitting her head against the wall.

All of these Mabel could take, but when he turned to face her and said, “You’re not the woman I married, you look like a mess,” she felt like someone stuck a dagger through her heart. She actually felt like her world was about to come to an end. Speechless, Mabel just sat there in terror as she watched him walk into the room. She couldn’t believe that…Read Full Story Here..,,

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