Little is more difficult than what this woman went through. Even when it proceeds normally, giving birth is both mentally and physically tough. But in this case, her little Walter was born prematurely.
He was clearly underdeveloped and had little chance of survival. But the moment that this mom and her family got to share with him meant the world to them.
In the summer , Alexis Fretz, known as Lexi to loved ones, was pregnant and everything was going
according to plan

Then one Friday, she felt a strong pain and started bleeding heavily. Lexi called her midwife immediately and was rushed to the hospital. Her contractions began at once.

She was only 19 weeks into her pregnancy, when little Walter entered the world. The odds of him surviving were virtually non-existent. But the fact that he was able to share a moment with his family at all was a miracle.

For a short while, life beat inside the boy. Lexi could clearly see that he was breathing. When she laid him on her chest, she could feel his heartbeat. It’s a moment she’ll never forget.
But Walter didn’t have any strength left. As soon as his life began, it was time to say goodbye. His father lifted him gently and took him into his heart forever.
Walter’s little sister insisted on saying goodbye to her little brother. Even though the tears streaming down her cheeks, her feeling of gratitude was stronger than her grief.
This beautiful moment with Walter is something that Lexi will never forget.