
His Husband Beat her Because it was Mess in the kitchen. But when she Decided to Leave the Husband The Unexpected Took Place

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Krishelle, did you come back? I’m so glad to see you,” Kevin said with hope in his voice when his flatmate came home.

“No, I came to pick up the rest of my things. I already told you that everything is over between us. How is it so? I love you. I don’t want to break up. I need you. I missed you so much all these days,” a week before that something that should not happen with spouses or flatmates happen to them. Kevin slapped Krishelle’s cheek while being angry.

The conflict started when he came home and found out that, as it seemed to him, there was a mess in the kitchen. Krishel was preserving “Menemen,” which is a Turkish food. There were different bowls, plates, and jars standing everywhere, and a 10-liter pot on the stove was covered with stains from an unruly tomato that burst and started to burn.

There were plates with garlic, spicy pepper, and other foods in different parts of the kitchen. Krishelle was standing and cutting peppers like everything was okay.

They moved in together four months ago. Kevin lived alone for a long time before that. He agreed to leave his comfortable solitude for her and tried to make a family again, but he didn’t consider every detail.

They were both over 40 when they met. Krishelle had a grown-up daughter who was already working, and Kevin had a 10-year-old son from the first marriage whom he rarely saw, as his mother lived in another city. It seemed like there was nothing better than to find a person in this world with whom he would be as comfortable as he was by himself. At first, it seemed to Krishell that Kevin was exactly that person. She rejected her rented apartment and moved in with him when he offered.

Krishelle was trying to be a good wife. She hoped that she had met a man with whom she could be happy and possibly be together until they get old, although there was a lot of time before that. During his first months, she felt like flying from happiness. She would treat her loved one with different delicious foods that she would sometimes cook with literally the last bits of her energy. Sometimes she would even surprise herself with……Read Full Story Here…,….

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