His Parents Abandoned Him Because Of His Appearance. Years Later He Pays Them An UNEXPECTED Visit

When this little boy, Aidan, was born, his parents, Celine and Matt, were so shocked because of the way he looked. They felt they couldn’t take care of him, so they gave him up. But decades later, he paid them an unexpected visit.
Celine and Matt were childhood friends. Their parents weren’t well-to-do, so they couldn’t afford to sponsor their college education. After graduating high school, Celine got a job in a restaurant while Matt worked in a factory. They earned only a little, so they cut their coats according to their sizes. The couple saved a lot for the future, and when they had enough to start a family, they got married.
Celine and Matt had great looks, so they were sure that they would give birth to good-looking kids. While dating, they fantasized about having beautiful kids who would walk on a runway. But sometimes, life doesn’t give us what we desire, and this is exactly what happened to this couple.
A few months after getting married, Celine fell pregnant, and a scan revealed that she was pregnant with a baby boy. Matt was thrilled that it was a male child, and he boasted that the boy would look like him. The expecting dad made all necessary preparations. He worked twice as hard and bought all the necessary baby stuff. He also promised Celine that when the baby turned two, they would move into a bigger apartment. Sadly, when the baby boy was born, this excitement faded away, and it was replaced with doubt, regret, and fear.
Celine and Matt went for weekly scans, and all the results showed that the boy was in perfect health. The gestation period was also smooth, and other than being nauseous, Celine was in good health. But that was the case until she went into labor one morning. That day, the contractions suddenly started. Celine wasn’t due until three weeks’ time, so they hadn’t made necessary preparations. Anyway, Matt quickly ordered a ride, and Celine was rushed to the hospital. On getting there, she was wheeled into the delivery room. The contractions were so painful that Celine thought she would pass out. To make matters worse, she wasn’t well dilated. Soon enough, she became exhausted, and the doctors had to rush her into the operating room for emergency surgery.
Fifteen minutes later, the doctors brought the baby out. As soon as they set their eyes on him, they almost screamed. How did they miss such a significant detail on the scan? You see, this boy, later named Aidan, was born with a hunchback. He also had excess hair on his skin because of a condition called hypertrichosis. When Celine and Matt saw their baby, neither of them could hold back their tears. They didn’t feel connected with him, and it wasn’t until an hour later before they finally summoned the courage to carry him.
Matt was enraged, and he stormed into the doctor’s office angrily. “You said the child is in perfect health, so why does he look that way?” he asked angrily.
The doctors apologized and told him they didn’t notice the hump on the scan. Afterward, he told the devastated parents that surgery could get rid of the hump. Sadly, the cost for the operation was quite expensive, and the couple couldn’t afford it. The doctor also told them that the boy would require extra care and attention. A few weeks later, the couple went home with Aidan. Sadly, the boy fell sick often, and the parents found themselves going to the hospital every now and then.
Then one night, the couple had an honest discussion. “It’s so hard taking care of Aidan. We don’t even have the money for his surgery. We won’t be able to give him the kind of life he deserves. We have to give him up,” Max told his wife.
Since Matt wasn’t making enough money, Celine knew she couldn’t quit her job to look after Aidan, who required 24/7 attention. The couple asked their parents if they could look after the boy, but none of them agreed. “What will people say if they see me with a boy who looks that way? Haven’t you thought about the fact that perhaps the child isn’t yours? Maybe your wife cheated with some man,” Matt’s mom told him.
At this point, the couple knew they had to send the boy to an orphanage. They felt like they were abandoning their child, but they were certain that they couldn’t take care of him. They had two options: to let the boy go and get a better life, or choose him and watch him suffer. Well, the couple settled for the former. The necessary preparations were made, and in due time, Matt and Celine kissed their boy goodbye, and they walked out of his life forever.
While in the orphanage, Aidan grew up to be a well-mannered, loving, and healthy boy. He was so sweet that all the staff quickly fell in love with him. As for his medical condition, the hump kept increasing, and the hair extended to most parts of his body, including his face. Sadly, the parents who came to the orphanage didn’t want Aidan because of his physical appearance, and the staff feared that no one would ever take a chance on him.
However, when the boy turned three, a couple, Martha and Lawrence, who were in their late forties, walked into the orphanage. This couple had been married for 20 years without an offspring. They had all the money in the world, and the only thing left was a child. That day, the staff took them into the children’s classroom, and when they entered, Martha and Aidan locked eyes with each other. Just then, the boy smiled at Martha and waved his hands at her.
“I had been sad for a long time, and the boy’s smile healed my soul. I felt an instant connection with him,” Martha said.
Martha’s husband also loved Aidan, and he felt a strong desire to make him happy. So the couple agreed to adopt Aidan. The adoption process was fast, and a few weeks later, Aidan moved into the couple’s mansion, and they lavished him with a lot of love and care.
“He brought so much happiness into our lives. I can’t believe anyone would give up such a sweet soul. I’m glad we took a chance on him,” Lawrence said.
Some months later, the couple paid to have Aidan’s hunchback removed. Sadly, there was no cure for the excess hair on his body. Although Aidan received a lot of love from his parents, he was bullied at school. One day, he got fed up and burst into tears.
“All the kids at school hate me. They make fun of me. They call me a wolf,” Aidan told Martha.
“Don’t let their words get to you. Whenever they mock you, tell them that you are perfect and unique,” Martha responded.
“That’s not true! I’m not perfect. I want to look like the other kids. I want them to stop laughing at me,” Aidan said and wept some more.
The boy put up with the bullying for a long time, and Martha was devastated that his classmates’ words were finally getting to him. She couldn’t find any words to console him, so she just held him tightly and let him cry on her shoulder. The next morning, when Aidan was preparing for school, an idea struck Martha. Beaming happily, Martha hugged the boy and told him, “If your classmates mock you, tell them that you will become a doctor and find a cure for your condition.”
Aidan fell in love with the idea of being a doctor right away. Ever since then, whenever his classmates mocked him, he told them, “Just wait, I will find a cure soon.” At this point, this boy didn’t know his dream would lead him to his birth parents.
Aidan eventually gained admission into college, and he studied medicine and surgery. Unfortunately, he learned that there is no cure for his condition, but he didn’t let it bother him. After graduating, Aidan got a job in a surgery center, and he dedicated himself to saving lives.
Five years later, Aidan was in his office when he got a call that a man who was in an accident needed emergency surgery. Scans showed that the man had a clot in his brain, and Aidan was asked to operate on him. Aidan quickly wore his scrubs and rushed into the operating room. Little did he know he was about to get the shock of his life.
Immediately after Aidan saw his patient, he froze. It was as if he was staring at himself in the mirror. He bore a perfect resemblance to the man. They had the same eyes, nose, and facial structure. Why did he look like this stranger? Aidan quivered. However, he brushed his thoughts aside and started the surgery.
Four hours later, the surgery was over, and it was a success. Afterward, Aidan went outdoors to inform the man’s family that the surgery was successful. When he got there, he saw a woman who looked way older than her age. As soon as she saw Aidan, she started trembling, then she burst into tears. Aidan walked up to the woman and told her the surgery was successful, but the woman continued crying. Just when Aidan was about to leave, the woman pulled him back.
“I am so sorry for crying. You remind me of my son. He was born with a hunchback and had excess hair on his skin. I’m so glad your parents didn’t give you up. Despite your condition, you became a successful doctor,” she said.
Afterward, she told Aidan that she and her husband gave up their son because they couldn’t care for him. “We miss him every day. You see, after we gave him up, we tried to have other kids, but our efforts were in vain.
It seems the universe punished us for our sins.”
As soon as the woman was done talking, Aidan rushed off. His heart was pounding. Was he the child the woman was referring to? When Aidan got home, he told his parents everything. The next day, he went with Martha to the orphanage, and the records confirmed that his suspicion was right: the sick man and the woman were his biological parents.
“If you want to let them know about you, it’s fine,” Martha told Aidan, and he wept on her shoulders.
The next day, Aidan went to the room where Matt was recuperating. Celine was also in the room. The young doctor flashed a smile at the couple, and they had a light conversation.
“Please be strong. Wherever your child is, I want you to know that he has forgiven you, and he understands why you gave him up,” Aidan said, forcing back his tears. Then he hugged the couple and left the room.
Aidan felt it was best not to disclose his identity to his biological parents. He didn’t want to reopen old wounds.
“Everyone has a choice, and they made theirs. I’m happy that I met them, but you and Dad mean the whole world to me. Let’s forget about the past and focus on the present and future. Thank you for adopting me when no one wanted me,” Aidan told Martha later that day.