Homeless Man Came To The Wedding, But When He Took The Microphone, Something Amazing Happened!

“When this man came to the wedding, everyone was shocked. But when he took the microphone, they were speechless. John was a homeless man in his 40s. The only thing he remembers was waking up in a hospital about five years earlier. He didn’t even know his name, but the people at the hospital called him John, so he went by it.
In the hospital, he was told he was found barely alive on the side of the road. It seemed he was flung out of a car that ended up crashing and burning at the bottom of a cliff, and every other person in the vehicle died but him. The other people in the vehicle were all men, and there was no further explanation of their connection.
The doctors knew that the accident had led to him suffering from amnesia, but they thought it was temporary and he would regain his memories with time.
They couldn’t trace his family as he had no ID on him. So when he was healthy enough to be released, they let him go with the hope that he would head back home. But John didn’t go home, as he didn’t know where that was.
The first day he was released, he sat at the bus station for hours with no idea of where to go. When the last bus came, he got on it and got off at the last stop.
That was where he met Ray, who found him roaming the streets. Ray asked him if he needed a place to sleep, and when John responded that he did, he took him to a hub of homeless people not far from the bus station.
John was surprised to see several tents in one place and was glad at how welcoming the people were. He was asked questions, but he didn’t have answers to them. However, that didn’t stop them from giving him a place to sleep. As time went by, he became accustomed to the ways of living as a homeless person. Rey showed him how to get the basic needs he required, and he was content with how his life went, But there was always something nagging at the back of his mind. He needed to know what…Read Full Story Here.,. .