
Homeless Man Steals Woman’s Purse at the Park, After Opening The Purse He Saw The Unexpected

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A man steals an old woman’s purse in the park and makes an extraordinary discovery that ends up transforming his life.

Timothy Oster had been living on the streets for so long that he’d forgotten he’d ever lived any other way. At thirty-five, he was hardened, angry, and like so many other homeless people, he deadened the pain with drink.

Twenty years on the streets meant that Tim was a survivor, and the things he did to survive weren’t always exactly legal, or pleasant. Tim had no friends because no one trusted him, and he trusted no one. It is hard to imagine a lonelier life. Timothy’s life was miserable, and he had long forgotten it had ever been different Once, long ago, Tim had been happy.

He had lived with his mom in a small apartment in East Harlem, and maybe it hadn’t been Easy Street, but Ellie Oster had been street-wise and funny, and her son’s best friend. Ellie also had a drug problem, but she had always…..Read Full Story Here…………..

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