“Honestly, I Don’t Believe Anything” – Tucker Asks – Why Is Mainstream Media Celebrating Arrest of Leaker Who Shared Truth About US Actions in Ukraine?

Tucker Carlson had Glenn Greenwald on his show last night and they addressed the Mainstream Media’s reaction to the arrest of the leaker who shared information on the Biden Administration’s actions in Ukraine.
The major question is why does the US media not celebrate the transparency of US actions in Ukraine? Isn’t the Fourth estate’s job to share the truth to keep the government in check?
It appears that this is just another action by the Deep State media that shows that the media in the US is not acting like independent entities hell-bent on getting to the truth about government abuses. Rather, the Mainstream Media in the US is part of the Deep State.
Tucker started by stating:
“…we left out a lot of details that are being reported in the Washington Post and New York Times, etc. tonight about the leaker and where this all came from because honestly, I don’t believe anything.
It’s very hard to know what’s true. We’re all being spun. We’re all being lied to and we just didn’t want to repeat the lies.
Next, Glenn Greenwald shared on the media more than the news and asked why is the media celebrating the arrest of this leaker. Shouldn’t they be celebrating the truth being released?
I can’t think of an incident Tucker that reveals more vividly the real function of our nation’s largest media corporations than what happened here. If you’re a real journalist, somebody who’s devoted to transparency, shining a light on the government’s most powerful actors when they lie to the American people and informing the public, you would be celebrating this person who stepped forward and risked his security to show his fellow citizens that the government was lying about this incredibly important war with a nuclear armed power that we have actual troops deployed on the ground in Ukraine, that there’s going to be no diplomatic resolution until at least 2023…