Horse Keeps Hugging Woman When Vet Looks At Ultrasound He Discovers Why- Touching Story

Animals and human beings make great companions and that’s one of the reasons why the bond between the two has been documented throughout history. However, apart from being great cuddle buddies, animals can be highly intuitive. There might not be enough solid proof, but we have seen many encounters where animals ought to be protective of their owners. When we talk about pets, you might think of cats or dogs, but you’d be surprised to know how intelligent horses are. That’s what Jolene Jonas got to know when she became pregnant and witnessed the innate nature of her horse.
The story starts off with the horse acting strange and Jolene and her husband got quite concerned, but they had no idea what was about to happen next! Turns out the horse was more special than they thought.
When the couple first learned that Jolene was bringing life into this world, they were in disbelief. They could not believe their luck! They had been trying to conceive for some while and wanted to complete their family. So, when the pregnancy was announced, everyone was brimming with joy except for one little fellow.
The family’s horse, Keola, felt differently about this and wanted to let the family know. This is why the horse’s behavior suddenly changed and the Jolene was concerned. The couple was quite fond of their horse and wanted to share this miracle with her but couldn’t explain her reaction. They both tried to understand her strange behavior but didn’t know what to do. Unlike us humans, animals aren’t verbally expressive, so you have to take everything with a grain of salt.
Everything was well in the Jonas household as the married couple prepared to welcome the new family member. Things were going great and the couple was having an amazing time while preparing for their baby. However, their horse, Keola on the other hand became too touchy.
Now, normally pets are quite affectionate and caring, but Keola was being more clingy than usual. She would often hug Jolene for no apparent reason. At first, the couple did not pay too much attention to their horse because they thought Keola was just excited. We are often not aware of what’s going on with our pets unless they try to tell us in their own ways. So, Jolene had no idea what the horse was trying to say or tell them, but this would later change.
Jolene and her husband were really happy because the couple was finally getting something they had wanted for a long time. Until the 25th week of pregnancy, things had been going entirely well. But around the second trimester, Jolene started experiencing a very sharp and stabbing pain around her back. The pain was terrible and because of that, Jolene was not able to walk. Her husband Ricky quickly took her to the hospital for a check-up as he was alarmed. The doctor wanted to make sure the baby was safe so he ordered an ultrasound. After they received the results, Jolene and Ricky were so shocked and immediately thought of Keola because the ultrasound revealed something unexpected. But how was their horse connected to it all?
Jolene and Ricky had always been a happy couple and had spent half of their life together. They both got together when they were just 16 years old and fell in love. Soon after that, they made the decision to move in together and start a new chapter of their life. When some time passed, they decided to buy a horse and named her Keola. Although their relationship had its ups and down and wasn’t picture-perfect, they still made each other quite happy. Keola quickly fit right in with them as she had an amazing personality and loved the couple. But even after all this time, Jolene felt like there was something missing. She tried her best to shake this feeling because after all, she was quite happy with Ricky but the feeling kept coming back to haunt her.
Jolene and Ricky were trying to live their ideal life with Keola and they all grew closer together as more time passed. As the couple spent the next few years building their lives and strengthening their relationship, Jolene still felt bothered by a couple of things. She kept feeling like she could not let go of a few things. There was something in particular that she did not like from the moment she met Ricky. As you can imagine, she had carried this burden for too long and kept it all to herself because the couple’s relationship started when they were just sixteen. She never knew how to deal with it because she was quite young back then, but even after being well into her adulthood, Jolene seemed restless.
The two had been together for so long and practically grown up together. But all this time still couldn’t get rid of the doubts Jolene had about Ricky. It had been years of uncertainty about his past and the feeling continued to grow over time. Although Jolene tried her best in the relationship, there are just some things we can’t let go of. Ricky’s secretiveness never changed and it made Jolene feel like a stranger. She was starting to get worried about the whole thing. She wondered what could be so difficult for him to speak about. Now that they were going to have a baby, it was time for Ricky to come clean. Besides, why would someone keep an important aspect of his past a secret and for so long?
Jolene had on several occasions attempted to get the truth out of him but had always failed at it. A clear sign of any healthy relationship is that the couple doesn’t keep any secrets from each other and there’s mutual trust between them. Ricky claimed that he no longer had a family and was not in touch with them and something had hurt him terribly and he preferred not to talk about this. He just wanted to forget about it all and repress the negative emotions. But Jolene thought that if he wasn’t willing to confide in her, their relationship definitely wasn’t strong enough. You should be able to talk to your partner about anything so why was Ricky being like this?
After failed attempts, Jolene had resigned herself somehow to the truth of the situation, that Ricky wouldn’t change his mind about his past. She faced disappointment with each try and started to accept that he was not going to open up to her. Fortunately for her, this piece of hidden truth or a hidden past was one of the very few flaws Ricky had. Whenever her doubts tried to get the best of her, she brushed them off because he was still the guy she fell for. She figured that she could choose to ignore this one thing to keep the relationship steady. He was generally a great guy so she was able to live with it, at least for the time being.
It had been about ten years since the couple started their relationship when they were still young. Jolene was beginning to make her peace with Ricky’s past and accepted that things were not going to change but that didn’t mean she wasn’t happy! At this point, they had a good amount of money saved up so they figured it was a great time to get married. The couple wanted to finally tie the knot and had the chance to take the next step. They had it in them to make the day as great and memorable as ever. Jolene had high hopes that a wedding would finally allow her to see his family and let down his guard. After all, marriage is supposed to bring the couple closer than ever, right?
To Jolene’s disappointment, the only people Ricky had invited to the wedding were his friends. She thought their marriage meant that things would change and there was a chance for them to have a stronger bond. But much to her surprise, there was no trace of any family member at their wedding. To make things even worse, the friends Ricky had invited were the same ones she met during the period they were together. Weddings are supposed to bring two families together as two people commit to each other but Ricky had other plans. There wasn’t a single soul from his past at their wedding. There was nobody he knew before he was 16 and it made Jolene quite sad.
That said, Jolene wasn’t too bothered by the lack of Rick’s friends at the wedding. She knew what she was getting into and had finally gotten around to accepting her husband’s closed-off nature. Despite all this, their wedding was excelled and the couple was full of joy. On that day, they felt even closer both romantically and most especially emotionally. Jolene wished goodbye to her doubts as she vowed to Ricky for her life. After the wedding, it was time to take the next step. The two wanted to build their own family, to expand and create their future. However, things were not going to be so easy. But the couple keep their ground as they promised to face all their struggles together.
Jolene really struggled to conceive. She tried her best many times, but something would always go wrong. Now this can put a huge strain on any newly married couple and cause a good amount of concern. Things got so tough that the couple started doubting their ability to have any children. Jolene thought that she would never experience giving birth and wouldn’t have a family of her own. After the first few failed attempts, they even started thinking that maybe she had some kind of unknown health condition. What else could be preventing them from getting pregnant? Since, this had been something the couple wanted badly, they decided to seek help. This made them book an appointment with a doctor sooner.
The doctor they saw conducted some medical tests just to figure out if everything was medically ok with the two. Jolene and Ricky both wanted to figure out what was causing this problem and wanted to see if there were any other options. They started having all kinds of horrible thoughts because what if this meant they would never have a baby of their own? After these tests had been conducted, both Ricky and Jolene had to patiently wait for a couple of days before going back. The doctor assured them that he would give them a call once the results were out. But unlike any other patient, they were trying to hold out some hope. The doctor finally reached out and invited them to his office once the results were out. The couple was nervous
Upon arrival at the clinic, Jolene and Ricky were full of anxiety and didn’t know what was coming. But they still reassured each other that no matter the results are, it wouldn’t affect their relationship. They wondered what would happen to them if they were unable to have children and how to cope with it. Fortunately, the doctor told them something that took away this fear right away. He assured them that everything was perfectly fine with them. Jolene and Ricky were perfectly healthy enough to have a baby and nothing was standing in their way. The two were still feeling relieved as if a huge weight had been lifted from their shoulders. However, their fate was about to change as they received even more great news.
Jolene and Ricky were so happy when the doctor gave them the green light. But they had no idea that someone new was soon going to enter their lives. It had just been a week after their consultation and check-ups and here they were finding out that they were expecting a baby. The couple was over the moon because it felt like they were finally getting what they wanted. This child was like a gift from above that arrived just in time. All the time they had spent trying and all the prayers they made, it all finally seemed worth it. After all, they had been trying for so long and this was the best news they ever got to hear. They decided to share the news with their loved ones and everyone was thrilled for them. Well, everyone, except for just one soul.
Everyone in Jolene and Ricky’s life was eager to show their support as the couple received the good news. But they weren’t hoping that anyone would have a negative reaction to the couple’s happiness. Who would have thought that the ultimate betrayal would come from none other than their family horse? Their beloved Keola was not a happy at all upon hearing the news. Keola would often lick Jolene’s belly and start hugging her whenever she saw her. This was just her reaction within the first few days of finding out about the pregnancy. But later, Keola started doing even stranger things. Her aggressive reactions to Jolene’s pregnant belly started getting more extreme. This got Jolene all worried. She even got scared.

It got to a point where Keola would continuously hug Jolene. The horse never missed a single chance and always had the same energy when she would see Jolene. She would do it very aggressively and at this point, Jolene and Rick did not even understand why. At first, they thought that maybe it was just the horse’s way of showing affection. But soon, it started becoming obvious that Keola was not just being clingy. They wondered if their horse felt threatened or something. Maybe she wasn’t ready to share her owners with someone new. The couple hoped she wasn’t sick in any way because they loved her and also had a lot to deal with already with the pregnancy.
Jolene and Ricky knew they would be devastated if Keola’s behavior meant that there was something wrong with her. Just to confirm that everything was fine with her, the couple had a vet examine their beloved horse. They needed reassurance that she was fine because Jolene could not take any kind of stress in her condition. Maybe Keola’s behavior was a warning sign that she had an underlying disease. After the vet checked the horse, he saw nothing unusual with her. He ran all the necessary tests and did a thorough check-up but on the surface, Keola was a completely healthy horse. This was even stranger and harder to understand because then what could explain her new nature? The couple just felt more confused than ever.
Keola’s weird behavior continued for a while even after the trip to the vet. However, the couple was occupied with the pregnancy so they didn’t give it another thought. But Keola’s actions got even worse with time. Jolene turned to Google for some possible answers, since they had no luck at the vet. What she read online shocked her and her concern just increased as she made a distressing discovery online. It made Jolene shed tears because it was an issue that was closer to her than she had initially thought. Everything finally started to make sense as she read more about the phenomena. It had something to do with her pregnancy. Jolene couldn’t even imagine facing problems with her baby so her Internet research gave her nightmares.
A lot of the websites she stumbled upon just informed her that the reason for her horse’s behavior could be that something was off with her very own child. No mother should ever have to deal with anything happening to her kids as it’s something you never recover from. Especially since Jolene knew how long they had been wanting this, she felt traumatized. She was obviously in a panic after all that reading, however, she chose not to tell Ricky about it all. She didn’t see the point of upsetting her husband. She wanted to make sure she had some answers before she burdened Ricky with this news. She turned to someone else that she trusted entirely. She struggled to seek help and wanted to do anything to feel better.
Jolene consulted her mother for some much-needed advice. She thought that if anyone in her life could understand her distress, it would be another mom. She hoped that she would get some clarity about the situation as she had no prior experience with pregnancy. At that point, she had no idea what to do. She felt like her mother would advise her accordingly and she was not wrong. Our mothers do know best because they have been through enough. Her mother reacted to the news exactly how she expected. She definitely had some wise words to say to Jolene concerning the situation. This made her feel instantly better and she finally had someone to talk to about this. It was a huge relief!
Jolene’s mother advised her not to get too carried away or discouraged by the websites she looked at online. In most cases, the things written in them tend to mislead people and it was best to follow her gut. A lot of us have gone deep down the Internet’s dark hole and some of us can’t find a way out. This has a huge impact, especially when you’re already stressed and you begin to imagine the worst possible scenarios. Jolene’s mother got rid of any of the doubts she had and held her hand through it all. She felt strong enough to follow her instinct before taking any further steps. Her gut told her to make a good decision alongside her husband Ricky, which is exactly what she did.
Since they wanted to confirm that all was well with their unborn baby, the two approached their doctor for another medical check-up. Jolene and Ricky had been trying to conceive for the longest time so they did not want to take any risks. They knew how lucky they were and were not ready to let anything happen to their little miracle of life. At this time, Jolene was 18 weeks into her pregnancy. As such, it would be easy for the doctor to tell if there was something wrong or not. This would give them much-needed relief and make them go through the pregnancy without any fears. They nervously awaited the results as they searched for any sort of comfort.
After a couple of hours, the doctor returned with some great news. He assured the couple that they had nothing to worry about and advised them to return when Jolene was 25 weeks pregnant. Since Jolene had shared her online discovery with Ricky, the couple was dying to get consolation from their doctor. Jolene’s gynecologist said that he would then conduct another ultrasound to check if things were fine as the pregnancy moved forward. At this point, they thought Keola just had a problem because she was used to being the couple’s only “child,”. Just like humans, animals can also act territorial and want to stay the center of attention. The couple let out a sigh of relief but weeks later they found out that the horse had something else in mind!
By the time Jolene was 23 weeks pregnant, she started experiencing some extreme back pains. At first, she thought that this was just one of the things you deal with during your pregnancy and just like morning sickness, she had to pull through it all. But soon the backache got bad and she began to wonder if the baby was healthy. She asked Ricky to drive her to the hospital so they could get to the bottom of things. According to Jolene, the pain made her feel like she was in labor. When he heard this, Ricky quickly drove her to see her doctor. He didn’t want his wife and future baby to face any issues and wanted to protect them
Unfortunately, they were not going to make it to the hospital as fast as they wanted to. This was because of the rush hour traffic. Imagine the amount of anxiety one would feel when they’re trying to get their sick and pregnant wife to the hospital. Ricky tried everything possible to avoid this traffic, but they still got caught up in it. There was simply no other way around it and he knew that this would just add to the stress they were already under. Ricky saw just one chance to get to the hospital much faster. His fatherly instincts kicked in right away as he went into full protection mode for his wife and baby. He wasn’t going to let anything happen on his watch!
Ricky, for his wife’s good, called the ambulance right away. He took quick action as soon as he realized that they were likely going to be stuck for quite some time. He figured since there was heavy traffic, it was the way to go, otherwise, it might be too late for Jolene and the baby. Since she had already been experiencing extreme pain, there was absolutely no time to waste. She had described the pain as just as intense as contractions so they feared they might lose the baby. The ambulance got there very fast and took Jolene to the hospital. Ricky’s quick thinking saved the day as they both headed to the emergency room to check on their baby.
The moment they got there, the doctor quickly conducted an ultrasound. These kinds of moments are crucial as they can help save a baby’s life. This was meant to check if things were fine with the unborn baby. Since there’s no other way to know for sure, an ultrasound shows you if the baby is doing fine or not. While he was doing this ultrasound, the doctor’s face significantly changed. No one wants to see this happen because when your doctor is performing a check-up, you long to hear that everything is well. But when this doctor did the ultrasound, he was shocked and told Jolene that he had to call the authorities. This worried Jolene even more as she tried to calm down.
Jolene was by this time incredibly shocked. Why would the doctor involve the police in her pregnancy? This is a completely unnatural reaction for a doctor to have after seeing an ultrasound. When has anyone involved the police upon seeing the images of an unborn baby? She also wondered why the doctor wouldn’t just tell her the plain truth of what was going on with her. She was under way too much stress for the doctor to keep the family guessing. This situation got the couple angry and they just wanted the ordeal to end already. No one wants to wait impatiently as they try to find out if their baby is healthy. After all, the parents had all the right to know what was going on.