
How California Teen Defends Blind Classmate, Knocks Out Alleged Bully (Video)

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Bullying is a big problem today, and the word is getting out about the damage it can do.

Thankfully, some kids are listening and are now taking steps to help others from being bullied Cody Pines is one of those teens.

Cody saw a bully named Noah picking on a blind teen, Austin, at Huntington Beach High School located in southern California.

Noah was later arrested for his actions, and Cody got suspended.

I am all for Noah being arrested, he went beyond the rules, but Cody did the right thing. He shouldn’t have been suspended.

If Noah hadn’t been so busy punching Austin, maybe he would have seen Cody coming! Karma works in mysterious ways!

Take a look at this video.

People around the world have seen the video above and are applauding Cody for standing up to Noah.

Share away, people.

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