
How Homeless Couple is Given a Beautiful Wedding Makeover and Photoshoot After Being Together for 24 Years

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Wedding ceremonies are very special to a couple who are in love. It is the most cherished moment between people and it serves many purposes. A wedding ceremony is usually a public affair wherein family and friends of both parties witness them vow into the sanctity of marriage, as well as their commitment and love for each other.

Most people make such a big deal out of weddings. It is a symbol of two people whose hearts unite as one and want to stay together for the rest of their lives. However, not everyone, especially the homeless, can afford such a luxury.

Rosalyn Ferrer and her partner, Rommel Basco are a couple in their 50’s who live in the streets of Pampanga in the Philippines. Although they have been together for 24 years, they could not afford to have even just a simple wedding ceremony.

Rommel and Rosalyn live a rough life together with their 6 children. They can barely get enough savings to buy food regularly. The couple works together, collecting garbage to sell as scrap, and they just collect enough money for their daily food intake.

Sadly, the homeless couple could not afford the other luxuries in life that other people take advantage of, and that includes a beautiful wedding ceremony to bind their eternal love for each other. However, their fate has changed when Richard Strandz learned about their story

Strandz was inspired by how the family managed to stay intact despite their rough life. When he learned that they could not afford a wedding ceremony, Strandz decided to enlist some friends to help Rommel and Rosalyn get a makeover.

Expectedly, the couple was very happy when they learned about Strandz’s surprise for them. With no hesitations, they agreed to do a photoshoot that still paid tribute to the place where their love story has begun.

As of late, Rommel and Rosalyn are not yet officially married. However, Strandz and his friends are assisting the couple to accomplish the necessary paperwork for a church wedding. Their beautiful photos from their shoot confirm that pure love can endure even poverty.

The gorgeous images from the surprise photoshoot were posted on Rab4Love Studios, a wedding photographer in Pampanga, Philippines. For more of Rommel and Rosalyn’s photos, you may check them on the photographer’s Instagram account.

The official wedding is supposed to happen sometime later this year. Best wishes, Rommel and Rosalyn!

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