
“How Many homes in Joe Biden’s Home town in Delaware Rent for $50,000.00 A MONTH???” Donald Trump Jr

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“How many homes in Joe Biden’s Home town in Delaware Rent for $50,000.00 A MONTH???” Donald Trump Jr

The eldest son of ex-president Donald Trump’s “Donald John Trump” subtly berated Joe Biden on his Twitter page after asking a question concerning the affordability of accommodation in Biden home Town Delaware.

Trump John demands an explanation, how many homes in president Joe Biden home Town Rent for fifty Thousand dollars a Month?

He then concluded, the answer is “zero” there is none that rent for $50k a month.

In his words:

How many homes in Joe Biden’s home town in Delaware rent for $50,000.00 A MONTH???

I’ll go out on a limb and say the answer is ZERO!

Definitely not a kick back, the 10% for the big guy, or another form of fraud folks. I’m sure it’s as legit as all of Hunter’s other dealings!

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