
HUGE: Wisconsin Township Votes to Process Votes in Polling Place Where Voter Resides – Denies Elites Opportunity to Manufacture Votes at Central Count Voting Center

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Wisconsin activist Jefferson Davis sent us this good news from Wisconsin to end the year.

Jefferson writes: Great news from Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin (where I reside) as the Village Board is voting to eliminate Central Count Voting and is returning the processing of absentee ballots to the polling place where the voter resides.

I am forwarding you several more screenshots of this breaking development. Thank you for your friendship, leadership, and courage to continue to print the truth.
This is HUGE news! Menomonee Falls is taking back control of their elections.

They will no longer hand over the counting, sorting, managing, and processing of ballots to a Central Voting Center where they sacrifice the sanctity of their ballots to hidden dark figures.

They are taking ownership of their elections.

They are taking control of their elections.

Meeting notes 1

Meeting notes 2

Meeting notes 3

Meeting notes 4:

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