Husband Abandoned Wife and Kids Because They Have Blue Eyes. What Happened Next is Shocking

“A blue-eyed woman and her kids from Urin Kara State in Nigeria were abandoned by their husband and father because of their blue eyes. What happened next in their lives is shocking. Rut’s anguished groans echoed as she gave one final push that brought her baby into the world. She took one quick glance at the baby and immediately shuddered.
She bit down on her lip, disregarding the ache as the fear in her heart was heavier. Goosebumps raced across her skin, a visual testament to the intense fear that had taken hold of her blue eyes. Again, Reant groaned, burying a scream. Her distress was palpable as the nurses brought the infant closer.

They couldn’t fathom why her baby’s blue eyes were causing her so much distress. To them, such babies seemed rare, a blessing to be precise. But most of Ryot’s family, particularly her husband, didn’t see it that way. To him, having blue eyes as an African was a curse. It was the reason Cot’s marriage was on the brink of collapsing. She had thought another child would strengthen her and her husband’s bond, but that didn’t seem like it would be the case. As she had just given birth to the one thing her husband detested the most: a blue-eyed baby.
Ryat herself was born with a pair of striking blue eyes, a deviation from the norm puzzled her parents. They had feared she suffered an eye defect. They decided to consult the doctor, hoping to unveil the intricacies behind their daughter’s captivating blue eyes. According to the doctor, a person of African descent having blue eyes is generally rare and usually results from a genetic variation, specifically a mutation affecting the OCA2 and HERC2 genes, which can lead to reduced melanin in the iris.
OCA2 and HERC2 are genes involved in eye color, and a mutation in these genes can lead to reduced melanin production in the iris, potentially resulting in blue eyes for individuals of African descent. The doctors confirmed that Tesi Cot was in good health; she was simply a beautiful black girl with blue eyes, a rarity. As Ryut grew, she received a lot of admiration because of her eyes; everyone she came across made her feel special. But that was until she met Abdul Wasu.
They met at the central mosque in Kuar State and gradually fell deeply in love with each other. A few months after they began dating, they decided to tie the knot and introduced each other to their families. Ryot’s parents loved Abdul, but when she met his mother, it was total chaos. The woman immediately disapproved of her. She screamed that her son was under a love spell, accusing Ryat of witchcraft. When Abdul asked why she would say that, her response was, ‘Can’t you see her eyes?’ Abdul and Dyat had been quite shocked at the turn of events.
Abdul tried reasoning with his mom, but the older woman instead rushed into one of the rooms and came out with a broom. She then chased Ryat out of the apartment, shouting that she must never see her anywhere near her house or son again. Outdoors, Ryat struggled to contain her tears; she could still hear the argument that went on between Abdul and his mother, and her heart ached even more. If she got married to Abdul, it would ruin the relationship he had with his mother. It hurt her that she would be the reason behind Abdul’s inevitable strained relationship with his mom.
But as painful as that was, the fact that she was about to lose the absolute love of her life was even more wrecking. Ryot couldn’t believe that what had been a source of admiration for years now seemed like a curse. As the days dragged by, Barakath (Abdul’s mom) continued to do everything within her power to tear the two lovebirds apart. But Abdul wasn’t willing to lose Ryat over some superstitious beliefs. Seeing her son’s unwillingness to back off and not wanting to lose him, Bakat eventually, but reluctantly, agreed to the marriage.
Shortly after Ryot and Abdul got married, a year later, they welcomed a baby girl into the family. Unfortunately, what was supposed to be a thing of joy and celebration marked the beginning of cracks in their marriage. Right from the hospital, Abdul went mad with fury as soon as he noticed the baby’s blue eyes. He didn’t even care to hold the baby; he just hissed and stormed out. This surprised Ryat because she never believed having blue eyes would be a problem to her husband.
When Ryott and her baby returned home, Abdul began acting cold towards her. He completely ignored her and the baby. This was quite strange, and not wanting to believe the issue lied in the baby having blue eyes, she decided to confront him. Fighting back her tears, she asked him what she had done to make him angry. ‘Why does our baby have blue eyes?’ He chastised her, to the astonishment of Ryat. ‘Can’t you see how scary you look with those eyes? Now you’ve passed that curse onto our child,’ Abdul barked and stormed out of the room, leaving Ryat shocked and broken.
Why had he married her if he didn’t like her eyes? She would constantly ask herself that question. Eventually, she realized his sudden hatred for her blue eyes was born out of his mother’s constant nagging about it. She had spoken so badly about them that he had gradually started to see the blue eyes as something dreadful. Ryot also got a clearer picture when she overheard his friend telling him that her eyes made her look possessed. She couldn’t believe her husband’s admiration for her had been swayed by his friends and mom’s bad opinions.
It took a lot of pleading and crying before Abdul finally decided to stop the constant fights and let peace reign. When Ryot became pregnant again, she prayed in her heart that the baby would have black eyes, just like Abdul. She had once overheard Abdul’s mom advising him to divorce her. Shortly after they had their firstborn, the elderly woman had scolded and blamed him for having a possessed child with blue eyes. Back then, Abdul had just told his mom not to interfere in his family business, but now would he heed her advice? Would he leave her? Ryat wondered.
She was a housewife who was fully dependent on her husband, so where would she start from if he left? How would she provide for her children and give them a good life? So when Ryott saw that her second child also had blue eyes, she felt her little world crumbling into a million tiny pieces. Two days later, she was discharged and allowed to return home with her daughter. Abdul didn’t come visiting throughout her stay at the hospital. When she asked the nurses, she discovered that he had shown up but left immediately.
He had asked the nurse as soon as he stepped into her office if the baby’s eyes were blue. With surprise and confusion etched on her face, she nodded, confirming his suspicions. Abdul had then made a tight fist, scowled, and stormed out of the office. Ryott knew there would be trouble immediately when she arrived home. If she had the means, she would have loved to go anywhere else but her husband’s house. Unfortunately, she had no choice.
Upon returning home, Ryat met her husband and mother in the front yard. Dread immediately filled the pit of her belly; this could only mean trouble. Scared out of her wits, she quietly bowed her head as she greeted the duo, but she got no response from them. Abdul looked away in shame, and what Barako did next left Ryot in complete shock. Before Ryko knew it, mother-in-law flew towards her and snatched the baby from her arms.
She then quickly brought out a bottle of olive oil and water from her bag. She hurriedly opened them and began pouring the content on the child’s head and body. ‘Receive your deliverance, demons, be gone!’ Barot screamed. Ryott screamed in fright as she attempted to take her baby, but Barot pushed her out of the way. Still weak and yet to fully recover from the pains of childbirth, Ryott fell to the floor where she lay.
She began screaming and crying, ordering her mother-in-law to stop the barbaric act. She insisted that her baby had no demons. Her pleas fell on deaf ears as Barot continued delivering the baby, ignoring her excruciating cries. Ryott then turned to her husband and implored him to get his mother to stop, but he pushed her away and instigated his mother to continue until the child’s eyes turned black.
Seeing she had no support, Reyot began screaming for help. Her baby’s cry pierced her like an arrow; she felt so helpless and broken. Hearing her screams, neighbors ran to her aid. They grabbed the child from Barakat’s arms and scolded her. A few of them threatened to call the cops on her if she ever tried such a silly act again. Seeing that her daughter-in-law had the full support of the neighbors, Barakat angrily laughed but promised Ryat that she would deal with her soon.
Ryot wept bitterly that night; she had no idea how to handle the issue. She just kept praying that Abdul come to his senses. Immediately, she knew if he stood by her side and supported her, his mother would be the least of her worries. The following week unfolded like a delicate drama for Reat. Silence, thick and heavy, hung in the air as Abdul began giving her the silent treatment. When Ryat prepared their meals, he wouldn’t even get close to the dining room, let alone touch the food.
Abdul would leave the house very early in the morning, return home quite late, and immediately head for the guest room. Whenever she tried to get him to talk, he would yell at her. He took the horrible treatments a step further by cutting off her allowance. Ryott and the kids were forced to survive on her dwindling savings. Just when Ryott thought the situation couldn’t get any worse, it did.
One morning, Abdulah began hurling insults at her and blamed her for the recent setback in his business. When he had no more insults to throw at her, he angrily stormed out of the house. Left alone, Reyat felt the weight of solitude pressing down on her. Each day rolled out as a battle of survival, and she struggled to provide her children’s daily needs. Sometimes the hunger came so fiercely that she and her kids would have to go stay in her parents’ house for a day or two.
Fortunately, Arisi Cat had the full support of her parents. Not only did they assist her financially, but they advised her to keep her head up. Ryott really did try her best to stay resilient, but there were definitely nights when she felt like she could no longer go on. After ensuring her little ones were snug in their beds, Ryott faced the lonely darkness. Tears stained her pillows, silent witnesses to the turmoil within her. Each drop held the weight of uncertainty.
These nights, there was only one question on Ryot’s disturbed mind: when exactly would the storm be over? Two weeks later, Reyot heard a loud knock and went to get the door. She was terrified to see Abdul standing at the doorway. What transpired next threw her into another state of shock. ‘Stop staring at me with those demonic blue eyes!’ Abdulah yelled. ‘What are you still doing here? Shouldn’t you and your possessed child have left this place by now? Go in there, pack your things, and leave my house now!’ he barked.
Reyat remained still; she couldn’t move or say anything. Then, Abdulah pushed her aside and entered the house. That week was a hellish time for Reyat. Abdul kept telling her to either leave his house with the children or face the consequences of his wrath. He told her he wouldn’t force her to leave, but he would frustrate her until she had no choice but to leave with her miserable kids. As much as Reyot desperately wished she could leave, she had no choice at that point.
Everything that could go wrong in her life had happened. Her parents’ shop had caught fire just a day after Abdul returned, and all the goods they had taken on credit had burned, so they were in debt. Knowing they were going through a tough time, Ryott didn’t want to bother them with her own troubles. Frustrated, she had even reported the situation to the police, who got Abdul arrested, but he bribed the corrupt police officers, and they let him go.
Reyat had also spent most of her savings on food for the kids and couldn’t afford a house. She was just helpless. This continued until the day Rey Cat’s mom decided to visit her daughter unannounced. Upon entering the house, she was shocked to see that Reyat had lost so much weight. She had dark circles, and her eyes were red. Her mom didn’t need anyone to tell her that Ryott had been crying frequently and having sleepless nights. At that moment, Reyat let her guard down.
She walked towards her mother, buried her face on her neck, and wept like a baby. Her mother held her tight, her heart pounding against her chest. ‘Here, now,’ the elderly woman said. When there were no tears left, Ricat sniffed and whispered in a pain-filled voice, ‘I’m done. Take me away from here, Mom.’ Wasting no time, the woman ran into her daughter’s room and began packing her things.
As soon as Ryott and the kids got to her parents’ house, her mom immediately went to the backyard, where they reared livestock. She took the last chicken left and got it roasted. Then she prepared a Uzi soup and IBA, a Nigerian delicacy, for her daughter and granddaughters. She watched in tears as they wolfed down the food; it was obvious they hadn’t had a good meal in a while.
That night, after the kids had gone to sleep, Ryot’s mom berid her for not seeking help from them and putting up with her husband’s horrifying treatment. Reyat explained that she was only being considerate, seeing as they’d lost their source of income and were going through a tough phase. ‘Don’t ever underestimate a mother’s love. I would have done anything to keep you safe and happy,’ her mom responded.
Months passed by, and no one saw Abdul. This prolonged silence carved deep wounds in Ryot’s heart; she was bitter and hurt that he had abandoned her with the kids. She regretted putting up with so much only to end up getting dumped. She wished she had spoken up earlier; still, it wasn’t too late to do the right thing for someone else in similar conditions. Rott knew there were other Nigerian women who were still stuck in oppressive marriages for different reasons.
Most, she knew, were there simply because of their kids, some because of the financial help they received from their partners, and the rest were trauma bonds. Ryott knew she had to encourage them to leave before it became too late. So she poured out her emotions in a video, a heartfelt expression of her sorrows.
She painted vivid pictures of her bitter struggles. The video immediately went viral on social media, resonating with countless hearts. Ryot’s poignant video reached the ears of newspaper outlets and top TV channels in Nigeria. Captivated by her tale, they chose to spotlight her story. During the interview, she narrated her crazy ordeal in the hands of Abdul. She also shared her desires to divorce him and explained that her financial dependence on him had prevented her from doing so.
There she bared her hopes for her children’s education, a dream dimmed by the harsh reality of financial constraints. As Ryot’s story unfolded, many Nigerians were deeply moved by the unfortunate events she faced. The actions of her husband and in-laws left people feeling a mix of emotions. Some were saddened thinking about how tough life must have been for Rat emotionally. Others felt upset at the idea of her being left alone to deal with such challenges.
Interestingly, amidst these reactions, some individuals took a moment to consider the unique characteristics of blue-eyed individuals. This led to a curious twist in the narrative, as some expressed a wish to be an Abdulshu, appreciating the idea of having family members with such distinctive features. Many Nigerians began expressing their admiration for the captivating gaze of those with this rare trait. They were enraged knowing there existed some misguided notions that labeled blue eyes as a curse or evidence of witchcraft.
Not only did Nigerians sympathize with Reyat, but they decided to help her cause. A GoFundMe account was opened for her and her children. Within weeks, the account had raked in millions of naira. But the support didn’t end there. Rey Cat was given a fully furnished apartment. A wealthy couple also volunteered to change her and her children’s wardrobe. Within days, they fulfilled their promise, buying lots of beautiful clothes and shoes for the three of them.
Ariat’s story also caught the attention of top politicians in the country. One of them included Al fake Abdul Razak, the wife of the governor of Kara State, who pledged to sponsor Ryat’s daughter’s education. A popular photographer in Nigeria recognized Reyat and her children’s rare physical qualities and kickstarted their career in modeling. He invited the trio to a studio. Mother and daughters were adorned in elegant hairstyles and clothes.
Afterward, the photographer took professional pictures of them. Nothing prepared him for the reaction the pictures got. People were shocked at Ryot’s transformation; she looked exceptionally stunning, just like a beauty queen. This marked the beginning of Ryot’s modeling and influencing career. Many brands and businesses began signing her up as an ambassador.
Now that Ryott was successful, Abdul decided to show up. He went over to her new house and desperately begged for forgiveness. He told Reyat that he didn’t know what came over him but that he now regretted his actions. His pleas fell on deaf ears, and Rey Cott got her security guard to throw him out. Shortly after, she signed up for a divorce, and the process was finalized within a month. She finally had everything she had ever wanted in life: safety and stability for her children. And thanks to the same blue eyes he had spent years berating, she would never need a dead weight like Abdul in her life again.
Have you ever been bullied because of a special physical feature? What do you think about Ryot’s decision to leave her husband?