I Cheated On My Boyfriend And He Forgave Me, But A Few Days Later The Unexpected Took Place – Lady Share Experience

I don’t know if Solomon will be seeing this but I am hoping and praying that he does. He is angry with me and I have apologized several times but he does not believe that I have repented. So I am posting my apology here as proof of my remorse. I am also hoping that everyone here will join me in my apology. Let me tell you what happened.
I am a mother of one, a beautiful princess. The father of my child is not present in our lives and I have been doing my best to raise my daughter all by myself. Being a single mother is not easy. I have met men who have shown interest in me but zero interest in my child. And I don’t fault them. I understand that not everyone is interested in raising someone else’s child. Because of this, when I notice that about anyone, I don’t give them the chance to get close to me. So it was just me and my little girl until I met Solomon almost a year ago. Unlike the others, he was interested in every aspect of my life including my experiences as a mother. He proved himself trustworthy so I let him into my daughter’s life as well.
When he expressed interest in me I said yes immediately. It was that easy to accept him because I saw how much he cared about me and my child. And as our relationship evolved, his love for us got stronger. He was there for us through thick and thin. He encouraged my little girl when she needed it and corrected her when she was wrong. He stood in and filled the void her father left in our lives. And he was the perfect partner for me as well. He gave me counsel when I felt lost and gave me comfort when I experienced loss. He was my best friend, and an almost angel who gave me lots of love and happiness.
Writing this reminds me of everything I have lost when I messed things up, and I am crying. Solomon is indeed the best man for me. One day he told me, “I don’t see the point in us dating for too long. Let’s start planning our marriage as soon as possible.” So we started planning our marriage. It was supposed to happen in October next year. Now I don’t know if that’s going to happen anymore. And that’s because I opened the door to someone from my past.
This person from my past is a guy I dated briefly in 2020. Things were good between us until he was transferred to work outside Accra. We couldn’t make the long-distance work so we drifted apart. Somewhere this year, he came to Accra to visit his family and he got in touch with me. “Can I see you?” He asked. Looking back I should have said, “No, I can’t.” And that would have been the end of it. Unfortunately, I said yes and I went to see him. As popularly said, “Old flames easily rekindle.” I didn’t think it would happen to me but it did. This my ex and I ended up doing shuperu. After it happened I felt very bad and unhappy. I kept asking myself, “I cheated on a man who loves me, for what?”
Honestly, if I could undo what I did I would. But the past cannot be undone so I just put it behind me and soldiered on. A week after the incident happened, Solomon visited me. I became withdrawn as a result of my guilt. And the guy too was texting me which only made me feel worse. Solo knew me so well that he noticed something was amiss. When he asked, “What’s wrong?” I said, “Nothing. Nothing is wrong.” But he didn’t believe me so he snatched my phone and went through it. It didn’t occur to me to delete the evidence of my sin. He saw it and got angry. I begged him, “I messed up, and I am so sorry. I wish I can take it back but I can’t so I am asking you to forgive me.” He was hurt but his love for me was deeper than my betrayal.
He forgave me and gave me another chance. He told me, “I believe you made a mistake so I will forgive you, on condition that you stop talking to this guy.” I love him and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him so I accepted his terms. The only problem is that I wasn’t able to cut off the guy. I tried but I didn’t know how to just stop talking to him. So I continued texting him but it wasn’t consistent. I felt if I only respond to his texts once in a while, he would eventually stop texting me. What I didn’t know was that Solo had linked my WhatsApp to his. So he saw that I was still talking to the guy. There was nothing bad in the texts but the fact that I was texting him at all angered Solo.
He said, “You didn’t honour the terms of our agreement. I said I would give you another chance as long as you stop talking to him. But you are still talking to him. Which means that this guy is more important to you than me. It also means that he is not the only guy in your life apart from me. I can’t trust you anymore so I can’t be with you anymore. We are over.” I am so heartbroken. I have pleaded with him to reconsider his decision but he keeps calling me dishonest, unfaithful, and all sorts of names. I know that I deserve all of it but I am genuinely sorry.
I wish he would forgive me and give me a chance to show him that I have changed. I was wrong to handle things the way I did. Solomon, if you can see this please forgive me. I am so sorry for hurting you. I have never known joy more than the joy of loving you. Please give me another chance.