I had just come out of a messy relationship when I met him. He swore heaven and earth that he was single. The first time I went to his place, he picked me up from work and took me there. Nothing in his room showed he had a woman in his life. So when he proposed, I accepted it. Everything was rosy until our first time together. We were busy doing the thing when we heard a knock on his door. It was a lady. She was knocking and mentioning his name, “James, I know you are in there. Open the door.” When he didn’t respond, she used her torchlight to look through the windows. I’m sure she felt it within her spirit that James was in the room with me.
At that moment, he quietly picked up his phone and put it on silent mode, and then gestured to me to stay still and not make any noise. Well, after knocking her heart out, the lady at the door left. I don’t really remember the explanation he gave me but it was very lame. The love was new then, so I believed whatever he said. Then I went to his place one day to help him tidy up. I was in the bedroom when I saw a stack of kitchenware in one corner. They were covered with a very big cloth. A ribbon peeping out from under the cloth caught my attention. I removed the cloth and saw that it was a gift to a wedded couple. It bore his surname.
I asked him about it and he told me, “Those are not mine. They belong to my brother who recently got married.” I asked why his brother would keep his wedding gift at his place and he replied, “I have a bigger place than his, so he thought it wise to keep them here until he is ready to house them.” I didn’t buy the explanation so we argued that day. That was when he brought out a sheet of paper to tell me about a contract marriage between him and a lady. This was supposed to help him travel outside the country, but the lady got there and got back with her ex. That was how come he was still here. He went on to talk about the loan he took for the wedding and how he’s still paying for it.
Days later, his friend called to tell me the same story. The friend said, “This happened a long time ago and we always laugh at him when that story comes up.” Wherever that friend is, it will never be well with him.
Along the line, James became aggressive whenever a male got close to me. He wanted to be the only man in my life. I didn’t think much of it at first. Then I found a baby walker in his room. I asked if he had children but he vehemently denied it until I pushed him. That was when he told me he had a daughter who lived with his mom. He said his daughter’s mom dumped her on him when she was two years old, so his mother stepped in and has been taking care of her. He swore that she was his only child.
Fast forward, I found out that he always blocked me whenever he made certain posts. I confronted him and he denied it. At this point, nothing he said held water so I started digging around for the truth myself. I started with a locked cupboard he had in his room. I asked him about it and he told me the lock was spoilt so he couldn’t open it. However, one day my instincts led me to find the key on top of the cupboard. I opened it and found a photo album. It contained his wedding and baby naming ceremony pictures. He was hiding them from me. My question was, “To what end?” I was furious. This guy always made me look like a fool whenever I connected the dots. I didn’t say anything to him about my discovery yet. I played the long game, got hold of his phone, and found more proof that he was married. I took his wife’s number and saved it on my phone.
One day I asked James about everything I knew and his first response was, “Are you listening to yourself? If I have a wife why is she not here? How come you’ve never met her here?” We got into a heated argument and I left his place. Later, I contacted his wife. Initially, she didn’t believe me until I sent her evidence. She told me they have two children together and not one. This man had the nerve and effrontery to deny our relationship when his wife asked him. He also said a lot of dehumanizing things about me to her. His wife told me everything.
James, wherever you are, I want you to know that I’ll never forgive you for what you did. If I
am given a dagger to run through you, I would do it in a heartbeat. I would seize the opportunity and feed you to the dogs. I pray your daughter and unborn female children meet deceitful, promiscuous, heartless, and insensitive men like you. And you’ll watch them cry as they get their hearts broken all the time. I hope you remember what I told you happens to people when I go on my knees and pray certain prayers. Buckle up and enjoy what’s coming to you.