I had an affair with him to get the job. It was supposed to be a transaction where I gave my body for the job. I did. True to his words, I was given the role a week later.
I thought it was going to end there but it didn’t. He would press my chest in his office, he would call me in and play with my body, I would sit on his lap while he worked. When I realized it wasn’t going to stop, I surrendered to his will and became his side chick.
We tried our best to hide the affair but no matter how hard we tried, there were rumors. What’s in the hands of rumours is very hard to snatch because there are no faces to it. All you hear is “Rumour has it that Anna and the boss have a thing going on.” It festered into the fabric of our working environment but we treated it as a hearsay. Though we stopped doing it in the office, the rumour didn’t stop.
One day he told me his wife was coming back from abroad. Another day, he told me his wife would be the boss when she comes. Days after that he told me I had to resign or else his wife might find out about us. I didn’t. His wife came to meet me and she liked me instantly because of my work ethic. But no matter how hard I worked, her husband became uneasy.
He pushed me out when his wife was on a trip. He told his wife I resigned. His wife called me to change my decision but since he had promised to offer me another job in a bigger establishment, I didn’t change my mind. One month later, this man doesn’t pick up my calls. He has blocked me everywhere forgetting I know the access to his office.
I want to pay him back. I want to call his wife and tell her that I’ve changed my mind so she gives me another chance. The problem is, I’m scared things will backfire. His wife will know about us and ultimately fire me. If it happens that way, I’ll lose my job, lose the trust of his wife and stand a chance of spoiling my career records. What should I do to resolve this? I need a job as soon as possible before I spend all my savings.