
“I Just Pray for All of You, When They Come for You, You Have the Same Strength I Have” – George Santos Tells GOP Detractors to Pound Sand (VIDEO)

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Rep. Matt Gaetz filled in for Steve Bannon on Thursday on The War Room while Steve was out on assignment.

George Santos, a freshman Republican lawmaker, has come under fire by the radical left, Democrats, and their mainstream media for fudging some items on his resume — like Joe Biden does about every other time he speaks in a microphone.

George Santos is standing strong. Santos also cosponsored legislation for term limits.

Santos told Matt, “I came here to serve the people, not party leaders and politicians. And I’m going to do that. And, I’ve been doing just that these entire two weeks… They want to stay here forever. I don’t want to stay here forever. I want to come here and do the best I can with the time I have and deliver for the American people. That’s what they elected me to do and that’s what I’m going to give them…”

Santos ended his remarks with this wish for his GOP detractors, “I just pray for all of you when they come for you, you have the same strength I have.”

Bravo, Representative Santos! Bravo!

Until these weasel hypocrites in the GOP start demanding Liz Warren, the fake Indian, or Ilhan Omar, who married her brother, to step down, they can keep their mouths shut on George Santos.

Via The War Room.

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