I Met Him On Facebook And I Tested Him To See If He Truly Loved Me For Who I Am And I Discovered that

I met this guy on Facebook. I liked him right from the start because of the insightful things he wrote about and the sense behind his argument every time he was engaged in one. I was the one who sent him a friend’s request. I was the one who sent him a DM asking for friendship.
We became friends and spoke every day. Some days he gave me some clues the indicated that he liked me. Some days too he was just indifferent. We met a couple of times but he didn’t sound like he was interested in me. One day I posted a house party photo on my status and he asked if he could come. I said, “Why not?

He came to the party and immediately he saw where I lived he opened his mouth wide. “Is that where you live?” I said yes. Two days later, he came back with his friends to swim and I served them well. That evening, he proposed to me and I said yes.
All of a sudden, he was all over me, asking when he could come around and when I was going to introduce him to my parents. Apart from that, anytime he came around, he made some series of rich requests. Like, “Can I have this wine and that wine.” “Oh, can you send Uber to come and pick me?” He even asked me to buy him a…..Read Full Story Here…….