
I Scolded a Beggar Hanging Around My Car, And The Unexpected Took Place

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Once, I experienced a moment etched in memory. It was a rainy Saturday night around 9 p.m., the end of my workday. Exiting my office, I craved the warmth of the meal awaiting me at home.

Navigating through the downpour, I approached where my car was parked. Amidst the relentless rain, I discerned a figure, clad in loose attire, lingering suspiciously near my vehicle.

Alone and shivering in the cold, the man glanced furtively from side to side while pacing along the white lines designating my parking space. With each step forward, my apprehension heightened. It was then, as I drew nearer, that I noticed his intent gaze inside my car, the windows partially open.

A realization struck me with sudden force: earlier that morning, I had absentmindedly left my wallet on the car’s dashboard—a spot the man seemed to be eyeing.Reacting swiftly, I called out to him, fervently hoping he wouldn’t seize the…….Read Full Story Here…………

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