Cop Pulls Over Unregistered Car – Stops Cold When Realizing Who The Driver Is He Was Left In Shock

“Officer Davis, an experienced cop, was known for his strict adherence to the law. One Sunday afternoon, his attention was caught by a speeding car zipping down the highway. Davis immediately started his pursuit, his siren blaring loudly.
As the speeding vehicle finally pulled over, he approached it with caution. But who was the person behind the wheel? The man he was riding up now got even angrier at Davis that he was getting a ticket, and the officer was letting the man driver go who had just sped past them. Davis told him to shut up and quickly gave him his ticket.
He wanted to check his high-speed camera quickly. The car had disappeared from sight just a couple seconds after it passed him, and he had not been able to catch the number plate. He did not even see what model or make the car was, only that it was looking expensive and painted completely white.
He had set it up to take a picture of every car passing anywhere over the speeding limit. He feared that the car might have gone too fast for the camera to get a good and clever shot of it, but luckily, this was not the case. The camera had managed to capture the last four digits of the number plate, which should be enough to find it.
Davis waited out the rush hour and gave out a couple more tickets for minor offenses, but his mind was still on the white car. He was determined to find it and make sure that person would get what was coming to him. When Davis got back to the station, he immediately sat his ass down in front of the computer and started his search for more information. All vehicles that were currently in America should be registered in the database, and so it should only be a matter of time before he found it.
He typed in the characters of the number plate he knew and was presented with about 100 results. He was checking them one by one to see if any of them were linked to white cars, and seven of them were, but only one actually looked like the car Davis had seen that day. It was a brand new white Honda Civic Sport. That it would only be a matter of time now before he could confront this reckless driver.
They did not have any information about the buyer as the car had not been bought at all. It had been stolen. Only yesterday, somebody had carjacked the vehicle Friday morning and had not been seen ever since. The dealership had already made a report of it to the police, but they had clearly not acted on it yet.
Suddenly, it made sense why the vehicle had been speeding. The highway Davis was patrolling had been located near the edge of the state. The thief had probably wanted to get to the next state over as quickly as possible, as it would then be much more difficult to arrest him.
But this also gave Davis the realization that he would probably never see this car again. If the driver was not from around here, what reason would he have to use this highway again? Davis did make a report to the police who were dealing with the stolen car case about the fact that he had seen the vehicle, and he thought that that was it.
It only took about a week, again a week of boring Highway Patrol work for Davis. He had made so many locals angry again and was seriously doubting how long he would be able to keep up this job. But then, during the Friday afternoon rush hours, Davis got a sense of déjà vu.
But this time, Davis was not riding up another driver. He was in his police car, waiting to find somebody to give a ticket, and then he heard it coming in the distance: a very familiar roar. Something was absolutely flooring it down the highway, and Davis knew that there was only one car that this could be. The nearest town was about 10 minutes away, and so he still had time to act.
After the chopper had arrived and he already had a plan, he needed to stay on the tail of that white Honda until the right time arrived. When he heard on the radio that the chopper had eyes on the vehicle, Davis knew that it was now or never.
He gave his car even more gas than before and approached the Honda until he almost hit the bumper. But just before he did, he veered to the left, so that the nose of his car came beside the vehicle’s rear. Then Davis quickly pulled his car right again. He hit the white Honda’s backside hard, which caused both cars to immediately spin out.
He closed his eyes and braced himself for the impact. Only seconds later, he was hit in the face with the airbag as the car spun off the road and came to an eventual stop. After realizing what had happened, he realized that he did not feel like he had any serious injuries.
So he quickly got out of the car to see what had happened to the white Honda. But then, Davis started to notice a lot more strange things in the car. There was some sort of machine on the floor of the driver’s side that was connected to the car with a lot of wires. He still wasn’t sure what had exactly happened, but he could hazard a guess that this car was being remotely controlled.
Davis was completely stunned by what he had just discovered. How was this even possible? Who was controlling this car? Or was it done by AI or something? Davis knew one thing for sure, and that was that he needed to get technical support here ASAP. This car also needed to be moved out of the road as soon as possible, as it was holding up traffic on both sides of the road, and long lines were starting to form.
A tow truck quickly arrived from the nearby city to put the car on the side of the road, and the technical service came by shortly after. To Davis’s surprise, they had actually seen this before a couple of times. There were a lot of people experimenting with this technology.
Being able to make older cars self-driving was a very hot topic for developers, and multiple of these kinds of machines were being developed by independent innovators. Somebody had used one of the self-driving machines to steal cars from dealerships.
He probably placed them there during test drives. There was quickly a leading theory established for what was exactly happening here. Maybe the owner of this machine was taking new cars out for test drives and secretly installing these machines during the drive.
Then he could activate the car in the middle of the night and simply drive off. It was just because the man had way too much fun speeding with the car, he figured that nobody would be able to catch him anyway. And when he was set to be caught, he would just drive the car into the water somewhere, destroying his machine and the evidence on that spot.
That was his actual target when he went off the highway. He never had any intention of going to the town. But when Davis hit the back of his car, he lost all power and could do nothing but wait until the police found out the truth.
He could have tried to flee, but he figured that he would be caught eventually. So he just decided to stay put. The man was swiftly arrested and is now awaiting trial for putting a lot of people’s lives at risk on the road. And Officer Davis can count on a lot more respect in his own city now.”