
In the Name of “Equity” Virginia High School Withholding Academic Awards

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A generation coddled by participation trophies is now facing what happens when hard work is replaced by the need for ‘equity’ in the war on merit.

Thomas Jefferson High School in Virginia is withholding and downplaying notification of national academic honors for students whose hard work earned the honors, preventing many from including what they earned on their college applications.

In a race to the bottom, the school has implemented an ‘equal outcomes for every student without exception’ policy. The policy includes eliminating zeros and giving students a grade of 50% just for showing up.


Michelle Reid, Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent, shared her vision for “equal outcomes” for all students.

Fox News reports:

The delayed awards in question are given by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, which recognizes top-performing high schoolers nationwide. TJ received the 2022 honors in October but did not distribute them to students until a month later, after early-application deadlines had passed, according to Nomani. Nomani’s son, a 2021 TJ graduate, was honored as a Commended Student in September 2020 but was never notified, she wrote in City Journal.

When Yashar, the mother who originally sounded the alarm on the school’s delay, brought the issue to the forefront, she was met with pushback from the school, Nomani said.

“The school wanted to recognize students as individuals, not their achievements, as if the two had to be separated,” she said.

Nomani noted the issue is not exclusive to Virginia schools, however, arguing the “war on merit” is an issue within the education system nationwide.

“It’s part of this agenda that’s that’s the dumbing down of America,” Nomani said. “These kids are the ones that are going to be… scientists coming up with our solutions for the things that just make us pull our hair out.

In a statement Fox5 DC, Fairfax County Public Schools said:

“FCPS understands the hard work and dedication of each and every student who competes for college acceptance and scholarship opportunities. Once the issue regarding the fall 2022 notifications was realized, counselors sent emails and made follow-up calls to each college where these students had applied and informed them of the National Merit Scholarship Commendations. We are continuing to look into this matter and will take any necessary steps to ensure consistency in appropriate and timely notification of National Merit recognitions going forward.”

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