
Intel Committee Dem Tells MSNBC Removal of Schiff and Swalwell ‘Makes Us a Less Safe Country’

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MSNBC’s Alex Witt had no dispute with any assertions made by Connecticut Democrat and House intelligence committee member Rep. Jim Himes on Saturday, including on the topic of Speaker Kevin McCarthy‘s move to kick Reps. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell from the committee.

Witt had Himes on for an abundantly friendly interview on Saturday that consisted mostly of the anchor asking the Democrat for his “reaction” to things. On the subject of McCarthy’s move to boot Schiff and Swalwell, Witt asked Himes “how do you see this and what are your colleagues on the committee saying?”

Himes told Witt he was not aware of any “whispering” among Republicans to oppose that move, but noted that some have opposed the removal of Rep. Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Himes said he knows Schiff “extremely well” and that McCarthy is just trying satisfy members of the GOP who want revenge for the Donald Trump impeachments.

“To appease his right wing, Kevin McCarthy sort of had to throw Adam Schiff on the fire along with Eric Swalwell,” said Himes. “That hurts our national security.”

McCarthy, speaking with reporters shortly after assuming the speakership, expressed surprise at the idea that “other Democrats couldn’t fill” those spots on the committee.

Speaking with the agreeable Witt, Himes suggested that in fact, no, there isn’t anyone equally qualified for the roles.

“Between the two of them, they’ve got 20 years of intelligence oversight and that evidently is gone now,” said Himes. “That makes us a less safe country.”

ALEX WITT: Let me ask you about Speaker McCarthy, who has certainly carried through on his threats to block Adam Schiff, as well as Eric Swalwell from the House Intelligence Committee, which you serve on. You’ve been a firsthand witness to their efforts, to their capabilities. How do you see this and what are your colleagues on the committee saying? Are any Republicans quietly whispering opposition to that move?

JIM HIMES: Well, I don’t know about that, but I do want to say one thing, which is we’ve had a number of Republicans announce that they will not vote to remove Ilhan Omar from her committee. When I checked, it was three of them. Now, that’s not exactly a tidal wave of opposition to kicking Ilhan Omar off her committees. But it’s something.

You know, with respect to Adam and Eric, this is something that Kevin McCarthy, you know, he said this as part of the overall campaign to appease his most extreme wing. I was very disappointed to see it.

I know Adam Schiff extremely well. And look, I understand why Republicans are angry with Adam. He led, in my opinion, in a very capable fashion, an investigation that showed what the president United States did at the time in holding up aid to Ukraine. That made them angry. And to appease his right wing, Kevin McCarthy sort of had to throw Adam Schiff on the fire along with Eric Swalwell.

That hurts our national security. Between the two of them, they’ve got 20 years of intelligence oversight and that evidently is gone now. And that’s a, that makes us a less safe country.

ALEX WITT: Can I ask you really quickly, we have confirmed that two Republicans say they’re not going to vote. You say potentially three, all the better. But if they do that, does it send a message to McCarthy? You know, this tit for tat stuff, We’re not down with that. We’re not going to support that. Do you think?

JIM HIMES: I think so. I think so. And it also says that truth matters, right?


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