“It Doesn’t F****ing Matter!”- Florida Landlord Reveals the State’s Squatter Problem After Two L£sbian Vagrants With 15 Pit Bulls Moved In and Destroyed Her Rental Property – Sends Message to Ron DeSantis

Vile squatters took over a Jacksonville, Florida landlord’s property for almost six weeks and destroyed the home. Now the landlord is speaking out.
Squatting is the action of occupying an abandoned or unoccupied area of land or a building, usually residential. The squatter does not own, rent or otherwise have lawful permission to use the the properties.
As the Daily Mail reported, two lesbian squatters who owned up to 15 pit bulls took over Patti Peeple’s rental property in March. While occupying the house, they caused $38,000 worth of damage while living there.
Here are some photos of the damage:
Peeples confronted the bums several times to convince them to leave. They responded by shoving her out of her home and threatening to bust her phone if she called anyone, including the police.
The women also taunted Peeples by saying she could not legally do anything despite the fact they were occupying her home.
It doesn’t f**king matter! We don’t have leave unless the police comes and tells us (to do so). You do not have any right to be in the house at all. You do not.
The women were finally evicted on April 11.
Peeples relived horrifying details regarding what squatters did to her property in an interview with Fox News’ Pete Hegseth Friday night.
She also revealed several states including Florida do more to protect the rights of these bums than the individuals who actually own the property. Any attempts to remove the squatters would have landed her in jail.
Peeples closed the interview with a stern message to Governor Ron DeSantis.
Hegseth: Patti, real quick, how did they get into the home?
Peeples: They broke in. They drilled out the deadbolt and entered the home. The replaced it with a deadbolt that only they had a key to.
And that right there is when I lost control.
Hegseth: So they broke into your property, took it over…and the police didn’t say they were going to let you back into your home.
Peeples: Absolutely. These squatters know the law better than most attorneys do and they use it to their advantage. And the police are absolutely hamstrung.
The police have no right to remove these squatters and treat them as criminals…They simply throw up their hands and say you need to go through the civil court system and evict them.
Peeples: That can take 30 days, six months, and in even some cities around this nation it can take up to 18 months or more. This is a nationwide problem.
Hegseth: Let’s say you call your brother, your uncle…and you said “we’re going to go over there and physically remove the people from the house.” Would you be the bad guy?
Peeples: We would be in jail. In fact, I couldn’t even turn off the electricity and the water. We are prevented from doing that. So not only did they steal a home to live in for a period of time, but they lived in relative comfort with a washer-dryer, which they stole, a fully stocked kitchen with all of the appliances and heat, air conditioning and water
Hegseth: Are politicians answering to this and saying it’s time to change the laws?
Peeples: I would like to tell Governor DeSantis to focus on property rights. I invite him, instead of focusing on Disney, I welcome him to focus on this critical issue that’s affecting almost every community in the state of Florida. Property rights in this state are absurd.
One expert attorney told Fox News last month the problem is a nationwide epidemic and that any homeowner can become a victim.
“I think it’s a fairly big problem and I think it’s pretty hard to avoid,” said Burling, the vice president of legal affairs for Pacific Legal Foundation.