“It Makes Me Cry, Like Every Day”: How Mom Who Lost 4 Babies in 6 Yrs Gets Heart-Stopping News From Doctors

I think it’s safe to say that we serve an AWESOME God with one heck of a sense of humor.
I mean, we see it throughout the Bible, like in the feeding of the 5,000. Matthew 14:13-21 tells the story of how Jesus used five loaves of bread and two fish to feed 5,000 men, as well as all of the women and children.
When God comes through on our behalf, it’s never in a small or insignificant way.
For Allyson and Tony Ponto, God’s redemptive love came after more than a decade of tears and heartache.
The Minnesota couple always dreamed of having a big family, but infertility and several miscarriages made that dream seem further with each attempt.
“It took a huge toll on our marriage,” said Allyson. “I ugly cried before every single baby shower I went to. I wondered, ‘Why not us? Are we not worthy of children?’”
The couple suffered four miscarriages in six years. And after trying everything they could to conceive naturally, Allyson and Tony opted for IVF.
Doctors only gave Allyson a 30 percent chance of success. Still, they endured the process in hopes that the doctors would be proven wrong, and their efforts would be fruitful.
They implanted three embryos and waited six weeks before seeing Allyson again for an ultrasound.
At the appointment, doctors didn’t find one single baby.
They found THREE. Or so they thought.
Not only did all three embryos take, but the third one split, resulting in identical twins. After FOUR miscarriages and more than a decade of heartache, the Ponto’s were now expecting FOUR babies—quadruplets. And as if that wasn’t enough to show God’s sense of humor, these FOUR miracle babies were born on the 4th of July.
How’s that for God’s redemption?
It’s a powerful reminder that God is faithful. He knows the desires of our hearts, and He makes beautiful things out of the same hardships that once broke us—because He, too, was heartbroken by our pain.
On July 4, 2017, Tony and Allyson Ponto welcomed four healthy baby girls: Olivia, Anna, Morgan and Carolyn.
“It makes me cry, like every day, because I’m just so happy that they’re here and they’re healthy,” Allyson said. “Four babies I can’t believe they are all ours!”
See their incredible journey below: