J6 Political Prisoner Matthew Webler: The FBI Raided His Home After He Walked into the US Capitol with a Flag – Then Feds Came Back and Took His Son

Matthew Jay Webler walked inside the US Capitol, the People’s House, on January 6, 2021.
He was carrying a flag. He committed no violence. He immediately left when he was asked to leave. The FBI later raided his home for walking inside the US Capitol. They searched his home and found a gun they have for protection.
The FBI arrested Matthew because he had a felony on his record from 10 years ago. They held him without bond and later a court sentenced him to 45-days for parading and picketing in the Capital and an addition 57-months (nearly 5 years) for having an unregistered short barrel rifle when they searched his home.
Matthew’s maximum release date is February 2, 2025. He may get out in August 2024 thanks to President Trump’s First Step Act. He is currently serving time at FCI Edgefield, a medium-security prison.
The FBI raided his home and forced his wife on the ground at 6 AM in the morning. And then weeks later the government took his son.
Matthew Webler wrote this letter months ago on his story. We are posting several paragraphs from the letter here. The full letter is linked below on Scribd.
On December 3, 2021, at approximately 6 am, I was assaulted in my driveway while I was leaving for work by approximately 30 FBI, Homeland security and many other law enforcement agency officers and placed under arrest. I say assaulted because they flew out of their cars like armed robbers with guns drawn. While they were cuffing me, my wife came onto the carport boldly shouting: “Excuse Me, Excuse Me. We have a 2-month old child in the house!” They promptly responded by shoving guns in her face, forcing her to the ground and handcuffing her too. Then then entered the house and treated my brother who was living with us the same.
This is a huge deal to me because if we are to do as Trump said a few days ago RESTORE EQUAL JUSTICE IN AMERICA, then the law must be applied equally to everyone, especially to those that are enforcing our laws. If when I point a gun at on unarmed person it is aggravated assault then when they do it should be the same thing. Living by a different set of rules because you’re a member of some special club is elitism not equality and there is no provision for Elitism in the constitution the last time I checked.
My father confronted my arresting agent about this after my sentencing and she told him they behave that way for their own safety because they “JUST DON’T KNOW” how people are going to act. Just don’t know,… Just don’t know.
Well, Special Agent A.C. (I don’t want to target you so I will withhold that your name but I do sincerely hope that you read my words) that is exactly why we have a Constitution that you swore to uphold and defend, that specifically protects our right to due process and to be considered innocent until proven guilty.
The second you point ANY weapon at an unarmed or non-threatening citizen, you have unilaterally made the decision without proof that they are a danger to you. You have declared them guilty. You have denied them of their due process and violated your oath. Also, you are a member of the Domestic Terrorist Task Force yet the moment you point a gun at an unarmed citizen you become the very terrorist you are attempting to fight.
Then about 2-weeks into my being kidnapped on a Saturday morning, I received a hysterical call from my wife informing me that at 2 am. The police and DFACS (Department of Family and Children Services) came with a removal order and took our newborn Zayne from us. The removal order claimed “neglect”.
My wife and I had been married a little more than 4 ½ years at this point. We had been together for nearly 12. My wife has physical issues that prevent her from ever getting pregnant. We had resigned ourselves to being a childless couple. Adoption wasn’t an option we considered because we never thought we had the means…
…Then a miracle…
…My wife and I stayed at the hotel with a couple of midwives all day waiting on our attorney to arrive so that we could do paperwork and take legal custody. Once we had custody of him, we immediately went to the hospital and he as admitted healthy, but “the worst NAS Baby” they had ever seen. He was found to have heroin, cocaine, benzos, meth, and marijuana in his system. Despite this he recovered quickly and 2 short weeks later he was released from the NICU and we brought him home.
My wife and I were on cloud 9. We were in absolute heaven; Zayne was a miracle that we never even dreamed was possible. Churches, family and friends donated so much stuff we had to give some away. In-laws on both sides were at our house constantly. We took Zayne to the Dr. on schedule and my wife even had a notebook to document all his feeding, bowel movements, crying, everything. If anything, we were guilty of too much but never in a million years was he neglected. We had a DFCS caseworker that visited the house twice and documented that he was well cared for.
The FBI had a child welfare officer present at my arrest and reported to DFCS that Zayne was obviously well taken care of. Despite all of this our DFCS case worker’s supervisor went above her head and went to a judge to get a falsified removal order signed. The only explanation for this is political persecution. There was a hearing, be we couldn’t afford an attorney for it and my wife couldn’t handle it alone. She was an emotional basket case.
That phone call was the absolute lowest point of my life. I had to stand there and listen to her screaming that they took her son, and it was all my fault. I couldn’t say or do anything I could only listen. I wanted to wrap her up in my arms and assure her that it would all be okay, but I couldn’t. I was helpless. A few months later she filed for divorce. My entire world had been decimated in a few short months. I was completely defeated.
This is not the America we knew just a few years ago. These are actions by an brutal police force in a wicked regime.