Dirty Homeless Man Came To a Wedding. When He Took The Microphone, Something ASTONISHING Happened!

Most, if not all, of the wedding guests in the hall stared at the strange-looking, dirty old man. He looked like a drunk who had just lost his way, a mentally unstable man, or both. As he boldly made his way to the stage, something astonishing happened. It was Helen and Kelvin’s wedding reception lunch. The reception hall was filled to the brim with guests, and everything was going well. The MC was at his very best, the food and drinks were all top-notch, and the guests were all clearly having the time of their lives.

When there was a commotion at the entrance door to the hall, what was the commotion all about? A frail and dirty-looking old man with an unkempt white beard and equally shaggy white hair was struggling with the two bouncers at the entrance, trying to force his way into the Hall. The two bouncers forcefully kept him at bay, but amazingly enough, the old man produced a wedding invitation card from his pockets and proudly handed it over to one of the bouncers. The bouncer stared at the invitation card in disbelief, whispered something to his colleague, who also took a good look at the invitation card. The old man then asked the two bouncers in a mocking tone, “Gentlemen, can I go in now, or do I have to call Kelvin himself to do your jobs for you?” The bouncers simply moved out of the doorway to let the old man into the Hall.
The old man then stormed into the Hall – yes, I said stormed because instead of walking slowly and majestically into the Hall like every normal guest would, the old man marched into the Hall like an old soldier in haste. And what a scene he created as he made his way to the stage through the hall center aisle. Virtually all the guests in the hall turned their attention at once to the strange-looking old man. Some of them whispered among themselves, inquiring where on Earth this old man came from and who even invited him to this reception in the first place.
Dressed in an old shabby suit and an even older hat, coupled with his unkempt appearance and uncouth mannerisms, the old man literally looked like a time traveler from the 1950s who lost his way and suddenly found himself inside the hall. Even Helen stared at the old man with sheer alarm. Who was this old man, and what was his mission here?
Then, the old man forcefully took the microphone from the bewildered MC, and Helen’s heart started beating really fast. What was this mysterious old man up to? Was he about to say something that would spoil everything? Perhaps say something that he knew about her that would disgrace her and Kelvin in front of all the guests and spoil the happiest day of her life?
After all, she had been through, after all, she had suffered since childhood. Helen had the worst of childhoods. She was born the only child to a drug-addicted Father, Peter, and the sadistic mother, Betty. Her parents’ marriage was a match made in the deepest parts of Hell to start with. Peter and Betty never really loved each other like normal couples do. They had met in a church meeting and decided to tie the knot after only knowing each other for barely 2 months. They both knew they weren’t getting any younger – Peter was almost 50 then, and Betty was 39.
Then, there were Peter’s demons, which were his severe addiction to heroin. Peter had picked up his drug habit when he was still a member of a boy band group during his youth, and since then, the drug had kept him in perpetual bondage. It didn’t take long for Betty to find out about Peter’s drug problems after their wedding. Peter was often aggressive and exhibited all the other telltale signs of drug addiction. Betty even caught him injecting himself with heroin one night.
But just 2 years into their marriage, Helen was born, and Peter seemed to turn a new leaf. Once the girl was born, he adored Helen so much and made her the center of his world. Peter spent more time with Helen than even Betty did. He would always be seen playing with his baby girl, and as Helen grew, the bond between her and her father grew even stronger. Being the good singer that he was, Peter always led Helen to sleep every night with fairy tales and songs that he created on his own, all of which Helen thoroughly enjoyed.
Peter’s utter dedication to Helen even forced him to make a vow to Betty. He swore to her that he had kicked his drug habits and would remain sober from then on just to always be there for Helen. Betty believed Peter’s words and was pleased to see his obvious transformations. But one day while cleaning out their room, Betty found some packets of heroin and syringes hidden under the rug. Betty was really disappointed. So, Peter had been lying to her about his sobriety all this while? Did he take her for a dumb fool or what?
When Peter came back home, a mad Betty confronted him about her discovery, angrily waving the packets of drugs at his face. Peter warned Betty to snap out of it, but when she continued her antics, Peter gave her a heavy push, which landed her right on the floor, seriously fracturing her arm in the process. That was the last straw that broke the couple’s marriage.
Betty spent a couple of days at the hospital to get treatment for her fractured arm, and the first thing she did after she left the hospital was to file for a divorce from Peter for irreconcilable differences. Peter pleaded with Betty to reconsider her choice, but Betty had had enough. So, she went ahead with the divorce proceedings.
When the divorce proceedings were finalized, the authorities ordered Peter to leave the house. Peter did as ordered but not before giving his beloved Helen a final goodbye kiss, promising her that he would be back for her. Aged just 6 then, Helen didn’t realize that her beloved dad had just given her his final goodbye kiss, so she only laughed heartily when Peter lifted her up to kiss her and even told him to buy her favorite cookies for her when coming back.
But when 2 days had passed and Peter wasn’t back home, Helen went crying to her mom to inquire about her dad’s whereabouts. Betty simply told her to better forget about her dad, that he was gone forever. At that revelation, Helen started weeping profusely, saying that she wanted to see her dad, but Betty warned her to get a hold of herself or risk some serious wanking.
Helen then walked back to her bedroom and cried herself to sleep. Imagine Helen’s joy when barely a week later, she saw her father standing right in front of their house as she was making her way out of the house. She flew to him at once. Peter lifted his little girl up, kissed her, and even handed Helen the very cookies she had requested when they last talked.
Then, all of a sudden, Betty, who had caught a glimpse of the unfolding drama from her room’s window, came rushing blindly out of the house. When Betty got to where Helen was still standing and talking with her father, she immediately ordered her to go right back inside the house. But when Helen stood her ground, Betty forcefully dragged her back inside the house, banged the door behind her, and returned back to Peter, who was still standing there looking shocked.
“Now listen and listen good, Peter,” Betty began in a vermin-filled voice, “this will be the very last time you ever come close to Helen, you hear me, Peter? The very last time! Else, I will get a restraining order against you, and I’m not kidding.”
“On what grounds do you hope to obtain a restraining order against me, I’m curious,” Peter thundered back at her.
“Oh, that’s the easiest part, Peter. I will just tell the authorities about your heavy drug use and how that alone poses a serious risk to Helen if you were to be allowed to continue associating with her. And you know the worst part of it, Peter? That revelation alone will surely land you in jail for good.”
Betty’s threats sent shivers down Peter’s spine, and knowing fully well that she meant every word of it, Peter immediately turned away from Betty like a plague and left in haste, looking defeated and broken. And that was the very last time Helen saw her father.
Coping without her dad wasn’t easy at all for Helen. She felt utterly alone and dejected and would always be found crying profusely while watching Peter’s photo albums all the time. Then, barely 4 years after her parents’ divorce, Helen came back home from school one day and found her mom giggling with a strange man in the sitting room. On sighting Helen, Betty simply told her to say hi to Sam, her new husband.
Helen took one look at the harsh-looking, unsmiling Sam and disliked him immediately. How was this mean-looking, unattractive man going to be her stepfather, Helen wondered? It was hate at first sight for Helen, and her stepfather, Sam, mistreated her like he had some serious grudges against her. He treated her like his slave, always ordering her to perform endless chores for him. It got so bad that Helen started spending most of her free time at her friend’s homes just to escape Sam and his endless orders and anger.
Worse still, whenever Helen complained to her mom about Sam’s mistreatment, Betty would always tell her to keep quiet and be a good girl, that at 11, she was no longer a baby, and that Sam was only trying to make sure that she didn’t grow into a lazy teen. At her mom’s rebuke, Helen would only go back to her room and cry herself to sleep, wishing that her beloved father was still there to lull her to sleep with his songs and stories.
As Helen grew into an unhappy, troubled teen, the mistreatment from Sam grew in proportion. He would always shout at her, calling her a lazy good-for-nothing spoiled brat. He never said a kind word to her. Then, one day when Helen was 18, she just couldn’t take it any longer, so she ran away from home and moved in with her best friend, Molly.
Betty and Sam never even made any efforts whatsoever to bring her back home to them. Her sudden disappearance was simply a good riddance. Life with Molly, who stayed in a one-room apartment, was tough for Helen. At least back at home, she had enough to eat, but with Molly, who worked in a small grocery store, food was scarce. They barely managed to feed. Helen tried her very best to find a job, but all to no avail.
Then, just 3 months later, the worst happened. Molly lost her job, and all hell broke loose for her and Helen. Hunger became their only companion. It got so bad that Helen resorted to shoplifting just to survive. She would go into a large grocery store, pretending to be a random buyer, and she would quickly and stealthily stuff packets and tins of food into her oversized winter coat, then slowly exit the store. Helen would then rush back to Molly’s room and share the stolen food with her.
Helen succeeded at the survival scheme for barely a month until luck ran out for her one day, and she was caught red-handed by an eagle-eyed shop attendant. The shop attendant brought Helen to the office of the shop owner and manager, a 27-year-old man named Kelvin, and told him of her crimes. Kelvin took one look at Helen, who was standing before him, really scared and all shaken up, and felt something in between pity and love for this poor, helpless, beautiful girl.
Kelvin then thanked the shop attendant for his efforts and told him to go back to his post. When the shop attendant was gone, Kelvin simply asked Helen to sit down. He then asked her if she was hungry. Helen shyly answered that she was indeed hungry, still surprised at Kelvin’s kind words and soft tone. Kelvin then went to the small fridge behind his desk, brought out large tin foils of potato fries, salads, pasta, chicken, and a big can of Coke, and placed them on the desk in front of Helen. Helen hungrily looked at the buffet before her, thanked Kelvin, and immediately wolfed down the food, with Kelvin watching her in sheer amazement.
When Helen was done eating, Kelvin then asked her to tell him about herself and what pushed her into shoplifting. Helen told Kelvin everything from beginning to end. After Helen’s touching story, Kelvin pitied her so much that he gave her some money and told her to come back the next day with her friend, Molly. Helen profusely thanked Kelvin for his kindness, then slowly made her way out of the store.
Helen then went back to Molly’s room, crying with joy at how Kelvin had saved her from potential arrest and jail. The following day, Helen was back at the store with Molly. She took Molly to Kelvin and introduced her to him. Kelvin asked both of them a few questions before announcing to both of them that they had just been employed as shop attendants in his store. The two girls were so overwhelmed with joy that they both started to tear up, to thank Kelvin, but he just gave them a handkerchief and told them to go home and get ready to start working the following day.
Kelvin and Helen started dating immediately. He was her everything, her provider, her protector, and her savior. Kelvin was just like a messiah sent to Helen from heaven. He literally picked her up from the gutters, cleaned her up, and vowed to love and protect this poor, fragile, beautiful girl forever. And how Helen loved him back. She adored him. Kelvin meant the world to her. The lovebirds dated for only one year before Kelvin popped a question to Helen, and what a big yes she said.
And now, today was their wedding day, and it was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. And here was this old, dirty-looking man about to spoil the day for her. Why today of all days? Helen kept thinking to herself. What if the old man was sent by her mom, Betty, and Sam, both of whom she had never reconciled with, to spoil her day?
Just then, the old man cleared his throat and introduced himself – Pat, the drummer boy – a name that drew bouts of laughter from the crowd. Then he started singing, and what a sweet voice he had. But it is actually what happened next that is even more incredible. The old man had barely sung for a minute when Helen recognized that voice. It was her father’s voice. There was no mistaking that sweet baritone voice of his, and it was his favorite song -my dear little angel, one of the very songs he used to lull her to sleep with. Without thinking, Helen flew off of her chair. Kelvin tried to hold her back, but Helen freed herself from Kelvin’s grip with a force she never knew she had and dashed to the stage, shouting “Daddy! Daddy!” with Calvin chasing after her.
On getting to the stage, she immediately embraced the old man, who took a closer look at her and immediately recognized her as well. She still had the same birthmark on her cheek. The two embraced tightly and wept tears of joy. Calvin just stood behind them, watching the unfolding emotional drama in utter bewilderment.
It was such an emotional scene. And what about the same crowd that was mocking the old man as he stormed into the Hall? Most of the guests, with tears already welling up in their eyes, stood up and cheered Helen and her father on as they were still locked in a tight embrace.
At the end of the wedding reception and after all the guests were gone, Helen and Kelvin, who were now both locked in each other’s arms, were left sitting alone with Peter. He began to tell them his story.
Peter told them that after Betty had divorced him, he had been left homeless and penniless, so he had slept in the streets. Worse still, he had gone into severe depression, and it was a terrible experience, coupled with his heavy drug use. It got so bad that he even attempted suicide once by drug overdose but survived.
Then, one evening, he was all drugged up and feeling dizzy and was about to cross a busy road when he was knocked down by a hit-and-run driver. He lost consciousness and only remembered waking up at a hospital. When the medics asked him his name, he only mumbled something that sounded to them like “Pat,” so the medics started calling him Pat, and the name stuck.
But when the medics attempted to ask him further questions about himself, he just couldn’t remember anything at all. The doctors diagnosed him with amnesia. Peter spent almost a year at the hospital recovering from his deep injuries. Then, he was moved to a mental asylum to be treated for his amnesia and heavy drug use, as the medics had discovered huge quantities of heroin in his system upon his first examination after the accident.
After spending almost 3 years at the mental asylum, Peter believed that he had fully recovered from his amnesia, so he requested the asylum to release him. But the asylum authorities, fearing that Peter wasn’t yet fully recovered, kept postponing his release. Tired of endlessly waiting for his release, Peter made up his mind to escape from the asylum.
So, he stole a medic’s clothes and cap from the changing room, immediately changed into the stolen gear, and walked away from the asylum, posing as a medic. The security men at the gate even waved at him, and he waved back at them as he was leaving. After escaping from the asylum, Peter returned back to the streets, but this time, he vowed never to go back to drugs again – a vow he had kept since then.
He survived on the streets by singing and playing his guitar while begging on the roadsides. Then, one evening while walking home from work, Kelvin had met Peter at his usual begging spot, singing and playing his guitar. Being the kind-hearted person that he was, Kelvin gave him some money, sat down beside him, and talked with him for some minutes before finally taking his leave after promising him that he would be back the following day.
Sure enough, the very next day, Kelvin was back to see his new friend with more money, food, and even some clothing. Then, barely 2 weeks later, Kelvin came to see Peter as usual. Kelvin then told Peter about his upcoming wedding. Peter asked for a favor from Kelvin, that he be allowed to sing a song or two at the wedding reception. Kelvin obliged but kept it a secret from Helen, fearing that she might reject the whole idea of having a dirty old man, still suffering from memory lapses and severe bouts of depression, sing at their wedding.
After Peter’s emotional story, the three of them locked themselves in a tight embrace for what seemed like ages, with Peter and Helen crying like babies while Kelvin kept on consoling them.
And that was how a father and her beloved daughter were reunited again, more than 13 years after he was kicked out by her mom. What a beautiful ending!