
Joe Biden Needs Help from Kamala Harris to Complete Sentence–After Again Calling Her “President Harris” (Video)

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Joe Biden spoke Thursday at the White House on new “border security” measures before his trip to El Paso on Sunday. During his remarks, Biden once again called Kamala Harris “President Harris.” Afterward, as he left the room with Harris in tow, CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond called out a question to Biden on whether he was still following the Speaker vote in the House of Representatives. Biden turned to answer but got lost in the middle of his response and asked Harris for help. Harris supplied a word to finish the sentence which Biden then repeated.

Jeremy Diamond, “Are you still monitoring the Speaker’s race?”

Joe Biden, “I’m following with great, uh, how do I say it?”

Kamala Harris, “Attention.”

Biden, “Attention.”

Several White House reporters posted about Biden’s response to Diamond’s question, inlcuding Diamond himself. One reporter neglected to post an important detail.

Diamond, “I asked Biden if he’s still monitoring the Speaker’s race. “I’m following with great…” he said, pausing to look at VP Harris. “Attention,” she suggested. “Attention,” he said.”

Bloomberg’s Jennifer Jacobs, “Asked if he’s still monitoring @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy battle for US House speaker, Biden tells us he’s “following with great—how can I say it?” @VP Kamala Harris chimed in: “attention.” Biden echoed: “attention.””

Fox News’ Jacqui Heinrich, “VP Harris bails out POTUS as he almost comments on Speaker’s race. With a half-smile, “Biden says I’ve been watching it with great….” “Attention,” Harris suggests. “…Attention,” Biden finishes.”

The AP’s Darlene Superville, “”I’m following it with great, how can I say it, attention” – Biden when asked if he’s still keeping tabs on the voting for House speaker.”

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