
Judge Convicts Lonely Dad Of Three, Shocked Everyone When Realizing It’s Her Son She Lost Years Ago -Touching Story (Video)

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Doctors and nurses ran in and out of the Maternity Ward as Linda 28 screamed in pain it was her first child and the pain of childbirth was more horrific than anything she could have imagined the arrival of the baby was like a bright ray of sunshine breaking through dark storm clouds.

Linda cried in pain and joy looking forward to holding her newborn baby but when she woke up she did not hear the cries of her newborn no one was bringing him in where is my baby? nurse where’s my baby? she asked she looked around Alarmed that she woke up and saw an empty bunk next to her .

She was shocked when the nurse told her that she had slipped into a coma after giving birth Edison where is our baby? I want to see him she asked her husband when he came to her a few minutes later bring me my baby, where is he why won’t you answer me looking away Edison confessed the most painful truth that had destroyed Linda.

The baby was born with Herb’s palsy and we can’t afford to raise him you were fired from your job and no law firm wants to take you back after you lost this case we can’t raise a disabled child when we’re already struggling to make ends meet.

Edison what have you done with my son I put him up for adoption how could you do this to me she said and burst into tears Edison’s confession destroyed the poor mother who had so longed for a child.

The child she gave birth to was a miracle baby because she had spent years trying to conceive a child unable to Bear her husband’s act she divorced him and tried to find her child but Linda never found her child as an unknown family adopted him The Emptiness in her heart after the loss of her only child increased over time as the years passed.

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