
His Parents Dumped Him For Being “Ugly”. 27 Years Later, He Paid Them a TERRIFYING Visit

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Moses’s parents, Rob and Susan, dumped him at the front of an orphanage for his ugly looks. But 27 years later, he paid them a terrifying visit. It was a moonless night, and the time was around midnight. Benedicta, the local orphanage’s matron, was walking past the glass door of the orphanage when she noticed suspicious movements outside. She quickly leaned against the glass door and focused towards the direction of the movement.

Benedicta glimpsed the silhouettes of a man in black overalls. He dropped something before quickly vanishing into the night. “Another one,” Benedicta simply sighed. She didn’t need any signs to tell her that the man had just dropped another unwanted baby for them. She was used to such heartbreaking incidents.

So, she quickly walked over to the scene where the man had dropped a package for them. Sure enough, Benedicta’s instincts were right. When she got to the scene, she found the covered baby basket lying there. Benedicta promptly bent down and opened the basket, and the sight that greeted her almost threw her off balance.

Yes, she was expecting to find the child inside the basket, but none that looked as strange as the baby boy staring right at her. His color was quite pale, and he had extremely large eyes. The baby also had creases on his forehead like an old man. His lips were somewhat shriveled, giving his face a mean, almost violent demeanor. In fact, the baby simply looked like an old man in a baby’s body.

The baby was awake, alright, but he was neither crying nor smiling as almost every other baby in his current situation would have been doing. Instead, he just lay inside the basket, staring right into the matron’s eyes like he had met her somewhere before. The baby almost seemed emotionless, as if he had resigned to his fate.

But despite his odd looks, the kind-hearted Benedicta felt pity surge through her heart for the baby. It was quite obvious to her that his parents must have decided to give him away just because of his looks – looks that weren’t even his fault but Fates, Benedicta concluded. So, she took the basket with the baby and walked inside the orphanage, closing the door behind her.

“I don’t know who may have dumped you, little one,” Benedicta said to the baby as she made her way up the stairs, “but this is your new home now. And since your people weren’t even generous enough to tell us your name, you shall be called Moses henceforth,” the matron concluded. The name was a clear reference to the biblical Moses, who was found by Pharaoh’s daughter in similar circumstances.

As if an affirmation to his new name, Moses smiled at Benedicta for the first time.Moses was born to Rob and Susan Whiteall, popular upcoming celebrities in the entertainment industry. Their marriage was a match made in heaven. Susan once won a beauty pageant as the most beautiful girl in her state of residence. She was already a top model before she decided to venture into the movie industry.

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Susan met Rob the day she went to an audition for a major role in a movie series. Rob was already an established actor by then. It was love at first sight for the duo, and they got married barely 6 months later. Given their status, the couple’s marriage made headlines in the national tabloids for months. Some media pundits even referred to the couple as the next biggest power couple in the entertainment world.

Susan was a stunning beauty; Rob’s physical appearance was quite appealing as well. In fact, they were what you would call a quintessential good-looking couple. The couple eagerly looked forward to passing their beautiful genes onto their future kids. It seemed like their dream was coming true when Susan got pregnant barely 3 months after their wedding. The couple was beside themselves with joy.

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Rob and Susan expected nothing less than an angelic-looking baby. They wished that the baby’s good looks alone would make major headlines, boosting their growing popularity in the process. But the couple was not ready for the shock that greeted them when Susan finally gave birth. After her labor, Susan took one look at her baby and immediately screamed out in horror, “What is this? Is he stillborn or what?”

As for Rob, his reaction was even worse. He vented his anger on everyone – the nurses, the doctors, and even the baby. This was definitely not what he was expecting. There was no way they were going to keep that thing. That ugly baby would bring nothing but shame to him, Rob thought. What would their friends and relatives say? People would laugh at them.

Rob and Susan knew that critics would easily pounce on the baby’s looks and make a meal out of it. That, of course, would cause them a lot of negative media coverage and inevitably stunt their growth to stardom in the entertainment industry. The duo weren’t willing to let some alien-looking baby from God knows where ruin everything for them.

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So, Rob and Susan quickly made what most consider the most difficult decision of their lives. But really, they didn’t struggle with it for too long, and they barely took their child’s well-being into account. They were simply going to dump the baby at some orphanage and leave him to whatever fates had in store for them. Their plan was to simply tell the whole world, especially their teeming fans and everyone else who cared enough to listen, that the baby had died during childbirth.

The lie would eradicate any iota of suspicion and incur sympathy. With considerable wealth at their disposal, the couple handsomely paid off the few medics present during the baby’s birth to collaborate their lie. The medics all swore to secrecy about the baby’s survival. Then, Rob and Susan paid a tough ex-convict named Brandon to dump Moses at the orphanage that moonless night barely a week after his birth.

When the job had been successfully completed, Rob and Susan were much relieved to go back to their normal lives and focus on their career. They didn’t even care a bit that they had just abandoned their very own flesh and blood. “More beautiful ones will surely come soon,” the couple convinced each other. They had basically sacrificed Moses for fame and money.

Everyone, both their fans and critics alike, believed the couple’s lie about the death of their baby during childbirth. Susan even broke down in tears during a live TV interview a few days later while Rob kept consoling her. As the experienced actress that she was, Susan’s fake cries seemed so real that the majority of the show’s guests had to fight back tears.

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The years flew by, and Moses, who was then aged five, was still stuck at the orphanage. Benedicta, who had been particularly kind to him from day one, had told him that five was a lucky age. It was the age when kids at the orphanage got adopted the most, and Benedicta assured Moses that it would be the same for him as well. But nobody seemed the least interested in adopting him.

Moreover, life wasn’t the least rosy for Moses at the orphanage. He was the object of ridicule amongst the peers just because of his looks. The kids would call him all sorts of ugly names that came into their little minds. Moses had gotten so many condescending nicknames about his looks from the other kids at the orphanage that he had even lost count of them all.

Every night, Moses would cry himself to sleep and pray that some kind couple would finally come and adopt him. It seemed that Moses’s prayers were answered one day when a rich-looking couple came to the orphanage. “Moses, meet Mr. and Mrs. Readington,” Benedicta happily said to him in her office one sunny afternoon. “They are your new foster parents from now onwards,” the kind matron concluded with a smile.

Moses just couldn’t contain his joy at that moment. Finally, his prayers had been answered, or so he thought. To him, he was finally leaving that hellhole of a place called The Orphanage to a new home with rich-looking foster parents. Unfortunately for Moses, he didn’t get to enjoy his new home for long. Six months later, Mr. and Mrs. Readington simply returned him back to the orphanage where they felt he rightly belonged.

Dropping the teary-eyed Moses at Mrs. Benedict’s office, the couple gave their reasons for bringing him back. According to them, he had brought them nothing but sheer embarrassment. The couple couldn’t count the number of insults and derisions they had received from friends, neighbors, and even family members for adopting a boy so young. One of their neighbors had even called Moses the devil spawn.

The couple couldn’t take it anymore. They were totally sick and tired of all the snarky remarks they had received on Moses’s behalf. So, for the sake of their sanity, they felt they had no other choice but to return Moses back to the orphanage. Moses was totally devastated after that episode. He felt so unloved and unworthy seeing all the other kids at the orphanage being adopted one after the other while he remained stuck there.

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“I might even grow old here and die,” Moses thought to himself. However, barely a year later, luck smiled on Moses. A kind couple had taken pity on him and made the decision to make Moses theirs. Richard and Betty had been childless for over 12 years and desperately needed a child to call theirs. They formally adopted Moses and took him home with them.

The couple showered Moses with so much love and care that he never thought existed. Most importantly, they immediately enrolled Moses into one of the best private schools in the city. Moses soon developed an insatiable passion for education. Moses was a textbook example of a child that burnt the midnight candle. He made his books his only love.

Even though Moses still faced bullying in school due to his looks, it did not dampen his spirit. As he grew, Moses became more confident in his own skin. A bright student, he was often selected to represent the school in interschool quiz competitions, and not once did he fail to come back victorious.

Several years later, Moses graduated top of his class in high school. In fact, he shattered the school’s pre-existing best graduating grades. Moses’s outstanding performance was recognized by the city council, and he was given a fully funded scholarship to study medicine and surgery at any college of his choice.

Moses chose a prestigious college, and as fate would have it, that was where he met the girl of his dreams. Moses was almost 19 years old when he entered college, but he had never had a girl show interest in him all his life because of his looks. So, when Moses’s classmate Rachel showed interest in him, he felt like he was dreaming.

Rachel was the city mayor’s only daughter, and she was also a very beautiful young woman. Unlike every other girl on campus that avoided him like the plague, Moses intrigued Rachel. Moses had always admired Rachel from afar, like every other guy on campus did. But, of course, he was scared to approach her. Moreover, Moses considered himself too low to be with a whole mayor’s daughter.

But to Moses’s utter shock and amazement, Rachel was always the one that initiated conversations with him. Her friends thought she must have gone nuts to settle for a guy as ugly as Moses, but Rachel just didn’t care. Moses intrigued her, and she was already falling for him. And that was that. With time, Moses and Rachel’s relationship blossomed into a full romance, and they became an item. They were inseparable.

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To the utter bewilderment of their classmates, theirs was a perfect story of the Beauty and the Beast. The lovebirds simply loved and cherished each other. Moses virtually worshipped Rachel like a goddess. Unsurprisingly enough, in due time, Moses graduated top of his class with first-class honors. He was immediately offered a plum job by one of the biggest medical firms in the country.

The job came with a six-figure salary, an official car, an official apartment, with a host of other benefits. Moses’s adopted parents were so happy for their beloved adopted son’s success. At just 25, Moses had become one of the youngest highest-paid doctors in the country. Six months later, Moses got married to his longtime lover, Rachel.

Their lavish wedding reception was the talk of the town for months on end. A year later, it seemed the heavens had finally smiled on Moses. He had everything a man would ever want in life – an enviable career and a loving wife. But one thing was still missing in Moses’s life. He desperately wished to meet his biological parents.

With enough money at his disposal, Moses hired the best private investigator in town to track down his biological parents. The private investigator named Tony took a sample of Moses’s DNA and went to work immediately. After just a month of the most meticulous search through police and hospitals databases, Tony successfully tracked down Moses’s biological parents.

A paid insider had matched the sample of Moses’s DNA against all the DNA samples in the police’s database, and it perfectly matched that of Rob’s. Moses didn’t know how to take the news when Tony conclusively told him the names of his biological parents. He was angry yet nervous. Moses was finally going to meet his biological parents for the first time.

He didn’t know what to expect, so he braced himself up for the moment. Life had not been so rosy for Rob and Susan after they dumped Moses. To start with, the couple had never had a baby of their own again. They had consulted all the best fertility experts their money could afford, but all their efforts proved abortive.

The couple really felt traumatized about their childlessness, especially whenever they remembered how they had dumped their first and only baby. Like that wasn’t enough already, Rob soon found himself in a huge scandal. He had gone out for a night drinking session with his buddy and acting colleague Joe.

Joe was a very successful actor with millions of loyal fans. He was fivefold more popular and loved than Rob in Schwarz. The following morning after the night’s drinking session, Rob was promptly arrested and taken into custody by some police officers. Joe had been found poisoned to death in his hotel room just a couple of hours after he was last seen in public drinking with Rob.

So, all fingers immediately pointed to Rob as Joe’s murderer, as he was the very last person seen with Joe before his death. As expected, Joe’s legions of dedicated fans were all calling for Rob’s neck. They all felt convinced that Rob had simply poisoned Joe out of sheer jealousy. Even the majority of media pundits corroborated the claims of Joe’s fans.

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Rob was in a deep mess, so he virtually spent all his wealth hiring the best of lawyers to prove his innocence. Two years later, the case was dismissed due to lack of evidence, and Rob was finally released from jail. He was truly innocent of the crime he was being accused of, but Joe’s real murderers were never found. Hence, a lot of his ever-loyal fans still believed that Rob was the culprit and that he had bribed his way out of jail with his wealth.

When Rob was eventually released, he and Susan were virtually bankrupt as they had spent all their wealth in securing his release. Even the fame and recognition they had valued so much, even more than their own son, was gone like the wind. No producer was willing to cast neither Rob nor Susan in their movies anymore.

When the majority of movie fans still held Rob responsible for Joe’s murder, the stigma followed the once-power couple like a second skin wherever they went. The very day that Moses finally paid his biological parents a visit, almost 27 years after they had dumped him, their situation was quite pitiable. Susan had been diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

The once-wealthy couple now lived in a rundown apartment in a poor suburb on the outskirts of the city. Standing before his parents as he walked with Rachel during dinner time, Moses couldn’t believe his eyes. “So those are the parents who abandoned me,” Moses thought to himself as he stared at them. He had so much pent-up anger boiling inside him all these years. Moses had kept them all locked inside, waiting for this very moment to pour them all out.

But now, he couldn’t even find the words to speak. Tears flowed freely from his eyes when Rob and Susan recognized him. They were shocked to the bone. The boy they had thrown away was standing right there before them in flesh – someone they had turned their backs on because he was ugly now looked handsome with his newfound wealth and his expensive skincare regimen. Moses looked miles better than he looked at childbirth; he was hardly recognizable.

And once more, he was right there with the city mayor’s daughter like a pointer to a new couple’s status and wealth – two private security guards were even waiting for them outside the house, guarding their expensive Ford SUV. At once, Rob fell on his knees and started pleading for Moses’s forgiveness while sobbing bitterly. Susan soon joined her husband’s wails and pleadings.

Why Moses could only ask, “How could you have done that to your own flesh and blood?” But his parents had no answers to his questions. They only continued sobbing and pleading for his forgiveness. As for Rachel, she said absolutely nothing; she just clung to Moses’s shoulders.

The room was beginning to suffocate Moses, so he gently kicked away his right foot from Rob, who clung to it. Then he stormed out of the room hand in hand with Rachel, his eyes already clouded with tears. Together they walked away, not uttering a single word. He was happy; he now knew for a fact that he had been one of the luckiest little boys in the world to have been abandoned by those two. If they hadn’t been so selfish, he never would have known his true parents, Richard and Betty, and he never would have met Rachel.

And just like that, the pain that had always pulled at his heart faded away. He was where he was supposed to be.

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