
Kiev’s US-Backed Missile Attack Against The Antonovsky Bridge Is A War Crime

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No side that’s confident in its prospects of military and soft power success would ever deign to attack civilians, especially refugees, not to mention those that it claims are its own people on its own land.

The Kherson Region that recently reunified with its historical Russian Motherland reported that Kiev used US-supplied HIMARS missiles to attack the Antonovsky Bridge across the Dnepr River, which its deputy head of local administration said was being used by civilians as part of their relocation from the right bank due to those NATO proxies’ nearby counteroffensive. This war crime deliberately targeted refugees and thus further casts Kiev’s cause in an extremely negative light.

That said, it’s unlikely that the masses residing in the US-led West’s Golden Billion will ever hear about what just happened, or they might only be told a version alleging that it was actually a false flag attack by Russia against its own people. The second-mentioned speculation is based on the trend of Kiev claiming that Russia is bombing the same Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) under its control as well as supposedly has plans to destroy the Kakhovka Dam too in order to flood its own territory.

These weaponized false flag conspiracy theories are designed to “Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender” (DARVO), which is a common information warfare tactic. At all costs, the Golden Billion can’t ever extend credence to claims that its side committed war crimes, let alone with US-supplied missiles. Doing so would further decrease their population’s already dwindling support for this proxy war, which might in any case see their leaders inevitably reduce support for it due to military-industrial pressures.

These observations make it more imperative than ever for activists to spread the word about these latest Western-backed war crimes in order to inform others about what’s really going on in the Ukrainian Conflict. The fact of the matter is that Washington tacitly supports, if not outright directs, Kiev’s use of US-supplied arms for attacking civilians. As can be seen from the latest incident, not even the same refugees who that side claims are its own people on its own land are safe.

No side that’s confident in its prospects of military and soft power success would ever deign to attack civilians, especially refugees, not to mention those that it claims are its own people on its own land. Nor, for that matter, would they plot to blow up the same infrastructure that they also claim as their own either like Russian Army General Surovikin claimed that Kiev is considering doing to the Kakhovka Dam. The only reason this would happen is because that given side, in this case Kiev, is becoming desperate.

Their Kherson Counteroffensive is shaping up to be the most decisive battle of the conflict thus far, hence why they’re willing to do whatever they need to do in order to achieve some tangible on-the-ground success. This is more urgent than ever too because the US’ ruling Democrat elite want some sort of victory to sell to the American people ahead of next month’s already tense midterms in the hope of at the very least cushioning the blow that voters are expected to deliver to their unpopular party.

These external pressures, coupled with Kiev’s ethno–fascist ideology, explain why it just attacked those refugees who were fleeing from its forces across the Dnepr. Again, it can’t be emphasized enough how much this confirms the lack of confidence that this side has in its prospects of military and soft power success since it wouldn’t have done this if it was convinced of a swift and moral victory. It’s regrettable that the Western masses might never hear about this war crime, but hopefully some still will.

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