“Elena was a little girl who loved drawing pretty dresses and playing with her little sister. She remained incredibly brave even when her life took a heartbreaking turn. When she passed away from cancer, her mother opened her school bag and found something that made her burst into tears. It rained heavily the day Elina Desich died. She had been battling cancer for 255 days, and her passing was a moment filled with tears, sorrow, and a deep sense of loss.

Elina’s parents, Keith and Brook Desich, held their precious daughter one last time, whispering words of love and comfort. The pain of losing their daughter was unbearable. She had fought valiantly, and her courage had touched everyone who knew her. The family home, once filled with laughter, was now filled with a haunting silence. But that was not the end of Elina’s loving presence in their lives.
Elina had been just like any other 6-year-old. She was healthy, happy, always full of energy and life, and dreams. But nothing lasts forever. It all began when Alina’s family noticed something wasn’t quite right. Alina, who had always been healthy, started showing unusual symptoms. Her once clear and bright voice began to slur, and she had trouble walking. These changes were so subtle that no one expected. Her parents noticed them, concerned and growing more anxious by the day.
Keith and Brooke took their daughter to the hospital for a checkup. They hoped to find answers and reassurance that their daughter would be all right. But the doctors thought it might be strep throat, something common among kids, and they turned the family away, telling them that there was nothing to be concerned about. But Elina’s condition got worse, and her parents persisted.
They took Alina to her pediatrician, who shared their concerns. He urged further investigation and requested an MRI. As Keith and Brook waited for the test, time seemed to stand still. Their hearts pounded with worry, and the future felt uncertain. The day of the MRI arrived, and they anxiously watched as Elina was examined. Hours ticked by like eternity. Finally, a doctor entered Elina’s room with the report.
The doctor looked sorrowful, like she had been crying. It was a moment that no parent should ever have to experience. The words she spoke shattered the Desich’s world. Little Elina, who was barely 6 years old, had diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, or DIPG for short, a brain tumor that affects mostly children, and worst of all, there was currently no cure.
Alina’s parents couldn’t understand what they were hearing. Their precious daughter, who had been full of life and dreams, was now facing a battle against an enemy that could not be defeated. The doctor explained that she had less than five months to live, a mere 155 days. The doctor’s words were like a wrecking ball dropped on Keith and Brook’s hearts. The parents were devastated by Elina’s diagnosis, but they refused to let her see their anguish. They knew they had to be strong for their daughter, even though the news was overwhelming.
Now they faced the unimaginable task of telling their beloved Elina about her illness. It was a conversation no parent should ever have to have. Keith and Brooke felt that if they told Elina the truth, it would crush her spirit. So, they decided to keep the truth from her, hoping to preserve her innocence and give her a chance to fight the cancer. The parents chose not to tell her or her younger sister, Grace, about the seriousness of her illness.
Instead, they told Grace that her older sister had a bump on her head and that they were doing everything they could to get rid of it. They didn’t tell her that the bump was a brain tumor or that it was going to lead to her death. They told Elina that she was sick but didn’t tell her that she had less than 5 months to live. It was a difficult decision, but they knew it was the right one. They wanted Elina to live her life to the fullest without the shadow of death hanging over her head.
They knew that Elina was a fighter, and they were determined to help her fight. Despite the heavy burden of their secret, Keith and Brooke remained strong for their daughters. They watched as Elina’s condition continued to worsen, as her voice became weaker and she lost control of her limbs. As her condition worsened, it became more and more difficult to hide the truth. It was becoming clearer that little Elina was dying.
Yet, the Desiches never gave up hope. They filled Elina’s remaining days with love, laughter, and cherished memories. They took her to the beach, read her favorite storybooks, and spent as much time with her as they could. They made sure that she knew how much she was loved and that she would never be forgotten. The pain they felt could not be measured, but they were determined to make every moment count for their beloved daughter.
They knew that Elina was a miracle, and they were grateful for every day they had with her. In the midst of Elina’s battle with cancer, there was one bright source of joy in her life: her younger sister, Grace. Grace was just 3 years old, an innocent bundle of energy and laughter. As Elina’s symptoms began to take their toll, her world became smaller, and she hardly left her home.
Yet, in the midst of the pain and uncertainty, Elina and Grace shared precious moments together. With stories and laughter, she remained a loving and protective big sister even during her struggles. She would playfully tell Grace stories of magical adventures, filling her younger sister’s imagination with wonder and delight.
The day that Keith and Brook had dreaded but knew would eventually arrive came closer and closer. Elina’s body grew weaker, and she lost the ability to perform even the simplest tasks. She was partially paralyzed, and talking became almost impossible. It was a heartbreaking sight for her parents, who had done everything in their power to make her final moments as special as possible.
But through it all, she never complained or asked ‘why me?’ Instead, she would flash a smile at her distressed parents and sister. When Elina passed away, she was surrounded by her family, just as she had wished. But even in their grief, Keith and Brooke were happy, knowing that Elina was no longer in pain. She had left a lot of love, strength, and determination that would forever inspire them.
Three days after Elina’s passing, her mom Brooke was going through her school bag. Her heart ached with grief as she sifted through her daughter’s belongings, including the bag that would never be used for school again. As she reached the bottom of the bag, her fingers brushed against something unexpected: a small folded piece of paper.
Brooke carefully unfolded the paper, and her eyes filled with tears as she read the handwritten note: ‘To Mom and Dad, I love you so much. I’m sorry I had to go, but I will always be with you. Look for me in the stars at night. I am the brightest one. Love, your angel, Elina.’
Brooke clutched the note to her chest, overwhelmed by the mixture of grief and love that flooded her heart. It was as if Elina’s voice echoed through those simple words, assuring her
parents that she was at peace and would forever watch over them. Keith, who had been sitting nearby, saw the tears in Brooke’s eyes and hurried over. When he read the note, his voice cracked with emotion.
They hugged each other, their tears mixing with the ink on the note. It was a bittersweet moment, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, Elina’s love was still strong. The note became a precious treasure, a physical reminder of their daughter’s lasting love and strength.
In the days that followed, the couple found more notes hidden around their house. The notes were filled with drawings of hearts, smiley faces, and messages that made them feel loved. ‘I love you, Mom, Dad, and Grace,’ read one note, accompanied by a drawing of their family holding hands. Another note simply said, ‘I’m sorry I’m sick,’ revealing the depth of Elina’s empathy, even in her own pain.
But of all the notes, there were three that touched their hearts more than the rest. These notes were found on days that held special meaning for the family. Brooke had found the first of the three notes in Elina’s shoebox on Valentine’s Day. The note read, ‘Dear Mommy and Daddy, Happy Valentine’s Day! I love love you lots and lots. Even if I can’t talk much, I want you to know I am happy. You always make me grin. I hope you find this note and it makes you grin too. I love you more than ice cream. Love, Elina.’
Brooke couldn’t believe what she was reading. She gave the letter to Keith to read it, her husband unable to hold back his tears. Yet, for a moment, the pain of their grief lessened as they felt their daughter’s love surround them. Elina’s note had lifted their spirits on that Valentine’s Day, turning their sadness into bittersweet happiness.
Months passed, and Elina’s birthday arrived. It was a day tinged with both celebration and sorrow. The family gathered to remember their beloved daughter on what could have been her seventh birthday. Afterwards, Keith, Brooke, and Grace decided to do something Elina had always loved: read her old storybooks.
As they opened one of Elina’s favorite storybooks, a small piece of paper fell out. It was another handwritten note: ‘Dear Mom and Dad, I hope you had a really good day. I know it’s not the same without me here, but Grace is there with you. Please keep smiling for me. Love, Elina.’ Tears welled up in Keith’s eyes as he read his daughter’s words. They had found this note on her birthday, and it was as if Elina was celebrating with them from beyond.
Christmas arrived, a time of joy and togetherness but also a reminder of the empty space Elina had left behind. The family gathered around the tree, exchanging gifts and sharing memories. After the festivities, they decided to go through their holiday decorations, including the ornaments. As they carefully unwrapped one ornament, a folded piece of paper dropped to the floor.
It was the third handwritten note, and this time it was in Elina’s distinctive handwriting: ‘Dear Mom and Dad, Merry Christmas! I miss you lots, especially today. But guess what? I’m right here with you in spirits. Did you find my other notes? I hope they made you super happy. I love you more than candy canes and snowflakes. Love, Elina.’
Keith and Brooke looked at each other and couldn’t help but cry once again. They knew that Elina had written the note before she died, and they were touched that she had thought of them on Christmas. On this Christmas Day, Elina’s note brought them a sense of warmth and comfort. They packed the note back in the ornament and hung it on the tree. Then they sat down and held each other, grateful for the gift of Elina’s love.
In the years that followed, Keith and Brooke continued to find more of Elina’s hidden notes. Each one was a precious treasure, a reminder of their daughter’s unwavering love and strength. The notes they found on Valentine’s Day, her birthday, and Christmas Day had been like a balm for their wounded hearts, lifting their spirits during the toughest times.
And they weren’t done finding them. In total, they discovered a hundred more letters, each filled with love, drawings, and heartfelt messages from Elina. It took them nearly 2 years to find them all. As they slowly opened the boxes, drawers, and even more Christmas ornaments, they found more and more notes.
The more notes they discovered, the more they understood what Elina had been doing. It became clear to Keith and Brooke that Elina had known all along that she was going to die. She knew that she did not have much time left. Even though her parents had kept the truth from her, she had seen her parents writing notes to Grace, sharing their love and wisdom.
In her own way, she wanted to do the same. So, Elina started writing notes to her parents. She hid them in places where she knew they would find them eventually. She wanted to leave them something to remember her by even after she was gone. The notes were a testament to Elina’s love and bravery. She knew that she was facing a difficult battle, but she didn’t let that stop her from showing her parents how much she loved them.
What was remarkable was that Elina’s notes weren’t just for Keith and Brooke. She also wrote stories for her little sister, Grace. Elina would often tell her tales about various characters, and Grace would add to these stories. Even in her last days, Elina was creating something special for her sister to enjoy.
Even though they found hundreds of notes from their daughter, they don’t know how many bits of paper are still waiting to be found. Keith found one letter in an envelope that Elina had slipped inside his briefcase, and Brooke found one letter in her backpack. They both decided not to open these letters so they could always be looking for one more message from Elina.
Brooke and Keith decided to share Elina’s story and her hidden notes with the world. They wanted others to find hope and strength in their daughter’s journey. Two years after Elina’s death, they published a collection of those notes titled ‘Notes Left Behind.’ But these notes were just the beginning of Elina’s incredible legacy.
Through their foundation, The Cure Starts Now, Keith and Brooke were determined to ensure that other children didn’t have to face the same hopeless odds Elina had faced in the fight against cancer. Even today, Keith and Brooke carry one of Elina’s notes with them every day. These notes are tucked inside their briefcases, a constant reminder of their daughter’s love and determination.
Have you ever personally witnessed the impact of a handwritten note or message during a difficult time? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section. Thank you for watching. See you in the next video.”