Little 6 Year Old Girl Felt An Usual Burning Smell At Two In Morning Wakes Up Entire Family From House Fire (Video)

As ABC News reported, Madeleine learned about fire safety at school just three months before the accident. Her quick thinking and acting on what she learned saved not only her life, but the lives of everyone in her family.
Jamie Carbone, Madalene’s father, later told the press that he remembered hearing Madeleine screaming that the house was on fire. Immediately after waking up and realizing what was going on, he quickly wandered around the house to find the rest of the family.
Fortunately, he was able to get everyone to safety and call the fire department before the fire spread to other homes in the neighborhood.
Authorities couldn’t believe little Madeleine saved the whole family and praised her for her quick reactions to the situation. She is now considered a heroine to the people of her neighborhood and her story has made headlines on major news channels.