
Little Boy Fell Asleep, Then The Family Dog Did Something That is Very Hard To Believe!

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“That evening, Steve and his wife Lena got to witness something between their newborn son, Bob, and their little dog, Streak, that they would never have expected. After a hard session of playing, Bob fell asleep, and Streak did something that will shock you. Right from birth, Bob was a quiet baby. Even when he was fresh out of his mother’s womb, he didn’t cry. His eyes were closed as if in sleep.

The doctor had to smack him once on the buttocks to rouse the baby, and that was when Bob began to cry. He didn’t cry for long, though. The moment he was cleaned up and placed in his mother’s arms, he simply kept quiet and returned to sleep. It was as if he had only cried to satisfy the people around him.

As time went on, Bob kept up the same characteristic. It was never difficult to get him to sleep. He was not one to disturb his parents at all. He only woke up once each night, and the moment Lena or Steve were done cleaning him up or feeding him, they would simply lay him back down in the crib, and he would fall right back to sleep. Bob also loved to laugh, and he did it a lot when he was in front of the TV watching cartoons. He was always laughing as if he understood everything that was being said on the screen. He was an easygoing person, and it was clear why his parents decided to keep him away from their little pup, Streak.

Streak got his name because of how fast he was. He was a bundle of energy and always in the mood to play. Streak could barely stay in one spot for 5 minutes. He loved jumping all around and trying to get into places no matter how tiny they were. Thanks to his small size, he could fit into just about any space he set his mind to. Seeing just how hyper Streak was all the time, Steve and Lena decided that it would not be a smart idea to allow both the baby and the dog to be together. Yet, they were certain that the playful dog would do something that would unwillingly harm the baby, and they were not willing to risk it just yet. So they barred the dog from coming close to Bob.

This was the first time such a thing was happening to Streak, and he was confused about it all. Ever since the baby came home, his freedom in the house went down. He was no longer allowed to play as much as he liked, and he was also not allowed to go close to the baby. This made Streak sad, and soon he lost so much of his gusto and vibe.

Not long after, he stopped playing and started staying in his corner every day, looking dejected and unhappy as he stared longingly at Bob’s room. Streak was now quite unlike exactly what Steve and Lena wanted, but they saw the toll it was taking on their poor dog. He was lonely and alone while they fawned over Bob. It was then the new parents realized that they had not been treating Streak right. The dog was also part of the family, and they didn’t do well at all by excluding him when he had grown accustomed to being one of them.

They decided to fix the error at once. They were going to make Streak feel like part of the family again, and even more importantly, they needed Bob and Streak to be close. They knew that if the two were close enough, then Streak would be able to protect Bob if something were to happen during their absence. However, they knew they had to be careful.

If they handled it carelessly, the very thing that they had been scared of at the beginning would end up happening, and Bob could get hurt. They decided that they would do it little by little. They would train the dog so that he would know how to best act when around the baby. If they did it little at a time, by the time both the dog and the baby clocked one year, they would be inseparable, and Streak would really be Bob’s best friend.

That was the plan anyway, and this was what they did. Over the weeks, they started allowing the baby and the dog to play together. Streak was smart, and he could tell right off the bat that Bob was delicate, and he couldn’t play roughly around him. Whenever he was around the baby, he simply lay on the floor and sat guard beside Bob. The only time Streak got active was when they were watching cartoons on TV. While Bob was laughing in his seat, Streak was jumping up and down safely away, also enjoying the show. It was easy to see the dog really loved the boy, but Steve and Lena were still being cautious. They refused to let their guard down so that Bob would not get hurt.

Sadly for Streak, this had never been the plan for him. Never in a million years had Steve and Lena imagined that they would be worried about the dog. They had only had him for a few months before Lena had given birth, and within that short time, he became family. His mother belonged to one of Lena’s friends who owned a ranch, and after the female dog gave birth, the friend decided to give one of the pups to Lena as a gift. The pup was just so adorable that they fell in love with it at once. They loved the fact that he was full of energy. It was one of his main strengths, and now it was the very thing that was keeping him from the baby that he really loved. Soon, even the little time he spent with Bob was going to be taken from him in a way no one would have expected at all.

One day, while Bob and Streak were watching cartoons, the baby was laughing as usual, enjoying the show while the dog was also jumping up and down in glee. However, the dog got so carried away as he kept jumping that he knocked into a table, rattling it. This drew Bob’s attention at once. The baby looked at the table and wondered what had rattled on it. To curb his curiosity, he began to approach it. He crawled as fast as he could toward the table, a happy smile on his face. When he got to it, he reached out with his tiny fingers and grabbed a tablecloth hanging over the side.

As Bob was about to pull himself up with the tablecloth, Streak gave a bark of panic and jumped in front of the baby, causing the baby to let go of the cloth and fall back on the floor. Thankfully, the floor was covered in rugs, and Bob was wearing diapers, and they cushioned the fall for the baby. Bob looked like he was willing to go around Streak to get to the table, but the dog was not allowing that. The canine dug his heels into the floor and blocked Bob from moving even an inch.

In that moment, the door flew open, and Lena walked in. Her hands flew to her mouth in shock as she saw the dog standing over her baby. She screamed in terror and hurried over to snatch Bob up, calling Streak a bad dog and telling him to stay away from her baby. As punishment, she told him that there would be no treats for him. Streak’s tail, which was usually always wagging from excitement, had dropped, and his ears were also drooping to show just how sad and dejected he was.

Lena took Bob into his room and kept him there. When Steve returned from work, she told him about how their play had almost gotten out of hand and how Streak had been standing over Bob and baring his teeth at the baby. This was the very thing that they had been scared of happening. They were not going to let it happen again, as they realized that they should have never slacked on their measures they were taking to protect their baby.

Anyway, they decided that it would be best to keep the dog and the baby apart for now, at least until Bob became old enough to speak and communicate with the dog. However, since they were not going to send the dog out of the house, they knew that their plan wasn’t going to be easy, but they were willing to do what was necessary for their baby.

That very day, they began the stringent measures to make sure Bob and Streak got as little time together as possible. The poor dog realized that this was like last time all over again. He barely saw Bob, and when he did, one of the parents was carrying him, and neither of them wanted them close by. It was as if they thought that if he came too close, the baby would get hurt. Not being able to get close to Bob was hurtful, and it affected the dog in a way none of them could have expected. The canine became restless and was unable to sleep. Every day that he was allowed not to see Bob, he refused to eat his food. At night, he would bark at the window and sometimes even go to Bob’s room and claw at his door, whining sorrowfully.

Steve and Lena thought it was something that they could handle, but that assumption changed the minute they realized that Streak was also losing weight. It was clear as day now that Streak was falling ill, so they decided to take him to the vet. They found out that he was indeed ill, and he was even running a temperature. Things could have gotten worse if they had brought him in later than they did. Due to how bad it was, the vet told the couple that they would leave the dog at the clinic, even if it was only for a few days. They were okay with that, as long as Streak would get better.

However, things got only worse for the couple, and this time it was Bob. Steve and Lena had taken him with them to the clinic, and on the way home, he started crying the moment he realized that they left Streak behind. It took all of Lena’s efforts to stop his crying, but nothing worked. She tried to feed him, but he kept turning his head away. She tried singing him a lullaby, but that didn’t work. All through the car ride home, the baby cried incessantly, and the only thing that finally stopped him was tiredness. He stopped when he got tired of crying and fell asleep.

Sadly, that was not the end of it. The moment he woke up, he looked around the house for Streak, and when he didn’t see the dog, he began crying again non-stop and really loud. His parents were at their wits’ end, as they didn’t know what to do to make him stop crying. They knew he was crying because Streak was no longer in the house, but they couldn’t bring the dog back yet because he was still getting treated and needed time to recover before coming back home.

Bob didn’t know all that, and he spent every waking moment crying for his best friend. Every evening, he crawled to the front door and began banging his tiny fists on it as if he wanted to go out and search for the dog. He refused to eat until he was absolutely hungry, and Lena had to force him. When it got to this point, Lena and her husband realized that things were going too far and at a pace they had not expected. They had not known that the bond between the dog and their son was that strong. They realized that they had handled it poorly, and both their sweet baby and their dog paid the price.

Lena began to wonder if she had not exaggerated what happened that fateful day when Streak stood over Bob. As she thought about it, she remembered that there had been a jug of water on the table that day. Maybe the dog was trying to stop Bob from using the tablecloth to pull himself up because that would have dragged everything on the table and dumped them all on the baby, including the jug. Streak had been rescuing Bob, not attacking him. She had been so wrong, and as a result, made life miserable for all of them.

She decided to fix this at once. Now that she knew just how close they were, she suddenly knew what to do. She took out her phone and called the clinic treating Streak and asked for a status. They told her that he was not responding to treatments, and the vets also told her that although his fever was gone and he had more strength now, he refused to play as normal. Lena knew why, and she told them that Steve was going to come for the dog the next day to stop Bob from crying. Lena gave him the phone on it were all the pictures they had ever taken of Streak. That was enough to distract Bob from his crying.

The next day, Steve branched to the clinic on his way home from work, and he returned with the canine. The moment the dog entered the house, he gave a bark of glee as he saw Bob on the floor crawling happily towards him. Bob gave a squeal of excitement as the dog hurried over to him and began to lick his face. Both of them looked so happy that it was difficult to imagine that they had both been sick just hours ago. Now that Lena knew just how protective Streak was of Bob, she was more confident to leave them alone to play.

And they played. They had been away for too long. They had the living room to themselves and the cartoon playing in the background. But eventually, they got tired. When Lena and Steve returned to the living room that evening, they could see that Bob was tired. So Lena laid out a foam for him on the floor, and he crawled in, happy to sleep lying on his stomach, and the happy look on his face.

Streak was also tired, but he kept guard over Bob as if he was scared that the baby would be taken from him again. Every now and then, the dog would walk around the baby, watching him, and soon, Bob’s eyes slid shut, and he was sound asleep. For a few minutes, Streak kept walking around the sleeping baby. At first, they thought that he was standing guard, but they realized that he was looking for the perfect spot to sleep as well. Eventually, Streak dropped in beside the baby and gently placed his head on Bob’s. In less than a minute, the dog’s eyes slit shut as well. Both of them were asleep, and quiet had returned to the house after all that had happened. It was the sweetest sight.

Lena watched them in awe. They made such a beautiful picture together, and she wondered why she and her husband had been so cautious to begin with. Their restraints had not been necessary, and Streak knew just how to control himself when close to Bob. This was a welcome development, and she promised herself she would never try to get between the dog and her son again.

Bob and Streak grew even closer after that. With each passing day, they played and laughed as both of them grew bigger. They did everything together and were inseparable. They were best friends. What a beautiful story! Who could have guessed that Bob would have reacted that way? What would you have done in Lena’s shoes?

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