Little Boy Says He Does Not Want a Wife Because She Might Tell Him, “You Can’t Go Hunting (Video)

It is so much fun when the whole family gets together and makes a weekend of hunting and camping out.
A viral video posted to Facebook by Rusty Smerek shows that a family gathered around a campsite sharing their hunting experiences. And to everyone’s amusement, an adorable little child had some important relationship advice to share.
As the boy who is not even 8 years old stands all decked out in full camo gear from head to toe, he said, “I don’t want a girl, I don’t want a wife because what if they say ‘You can’t go hunting’? I’ll just go like, ‘Nope, I’m going huntin’ right now, you are not tellin’ me what to do. You’re not tellin’ me what to do!’”
The family filming the boy bursts out laughing at his deep thoughts. The video went viral when it was posted to Facebook about two weeks ago.
The video has been watched nearly 5 million times. More than 115,000 people shared the video, and more than 20,000 people dropped comments on it.
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