
Little Boy Vanished From Home, Later Found After 22 Hours, But He Wasn’t Alone

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“To have a child go missing is a parent’s worst fear. That’s why when one little boy, only six years old, disappeared from his home in Tennessee, his parents went through pure agony. Their entire community was shaken to its core and did everything it could to help find the young boy. Even the military deployed a Blackhawk helicopter as part of the search. They feared he was all alone in the woods, a dangerous place for a little boy to be all alone.

After 22 hours, the boy suddenly walked out of the woods, but he wasn’t alone. Hailing from a small community called Top of the World, situated in Blount County, Tennessee, Caden’s parents allowed him to play alone outside as long as he didn’t veer away from his home or wander too far off without permission.

However, on the evening of Monday, April 23, 2018, Caden’s parents grew extremely concerned when their son wasn’t back home by 6 pm. They had no doubt he had enjoyed himself playing outside as he usually did, but by the time evening came around, it was no longer fun and games for them.

Kaden Leach, a good and happy young boy, always enjoyed being outdoors and getting up to mischief like any other six-year-old. He especially loved to play with his pets, in particular, his beloved black and white terrier named Chula.

At first, they thought Kaden was somewhere around the house, but as the minutes ticked by, they decided to alert Blout County Sheriff James Lee Barron. They weren’t going to take any chances, as it was growing cold and dark, and they knew their son didn’t have a coat. There is no doubt that a missing child is any parent’s worst nightmare. A parent naturally wants to protect his or her child no matter what, so when this instinct is put to the test, it can be nothing short of frightening.

That was the case for Kaden Leach’s parents. They couldn’t understand why he suddenly vanished, and all they wanted to do was find him and bring him home safe and sound. They didn’t know it yet, but something very strange was going on……Read Full Story Here…,….

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