Little Girl Hugged Her Dead Father in His Coffin, Then Something Happened That Made People Scream

Kofi was born into an impoverished family in Ethiopia, and his parents had a dream of breaking free from the cycle of generational poverty. Unfortunately, they passed away before their dreams could come true. Determined to make something different for himself, Kofi sought out ways to create a better future. However, despite years of hard work, he was yet to realize his dreams.
To make ends meet, he worked on construction sites before turning to selling injera and dorawat by the roadside. He also took up night shifts at factories in order to make money to keep his food business up and running smoothly. After his night shift, he would go straight to his small shop and work tirelessly throughout the day without rest or sleep, selling his products.
On one of these days at the shop, Kofi encountered Solana. What struck him first was her beautiful dark skin, then her enchanting eyes and cheerful smile. Solana would come every day, at the same time, to buy injera. It went on like this for a few weeks, and before Kofi knew it, he fell head over heels for her. Solana and Kofi quickly became close friends during this period, but Kofi yearned for more. He wanted Solana in his life and couldn’t wait to tell her how he truly felt about her.
One day, when a heavy storm was predicted, it seemed like fate had given him just the opportunity he needed. That day, Kofi made only a little food, so he had to apologize to customers who came after everything got sold out. However, he kept Solana’s injera aside, hoping she would show up. It must have been his lucky day because she came just a few minutes later. As Kofi served her food, it suddenly began to rain. He was in a panic because he had to quickly pack up his cooking equipment and lock everything up before everything got ruined by the rain. Money was tight for him, so any unplanned spending would be out of reach at the moment.
To his surprise, Solana helped him pack up. With the two of them working together, it took only a few minutes. But by the time they were done, they were already drenched. Kofi apologized profusely to Solana, but she waved it away with her soft smile. They took cover at the bus stop and talked for hours as the rain pelted down. As Kofi and Solana conversed, he could no longer contain his feelings. He finally confessed that…Read Full Story Here….,..