Little Girl Was Born Without Blood in Her Veins. What Happened Next Left Doctors In Surprised

“When a little girl was born without a single drop of blood in her veins, no one expected her to survive. But what happened next left doctors shocked and sent ripples through the entire medical community.

Emma had always wanted a baby. She loved the thought of giving birth and bringing a new child into this world, and she had always dreamed of having a small, adorable little person relying on her. There was truly something magical for her about becoming a mother.
So when she found out that she was pregnant during the Spring of 2009, she was understandably over the moon.
Emma’s pregnancy was totally unremarkable; things went perfectly smoothly. And despite this being her first child, she found the pregnancy to be easy. At her hospital appointments, the doctors scanned her belly and found that the baby was developing normally, and there was absolutely nothing to worry about.
They even discovered the gender of the child, a girl. Emma was delighted at the news. She would have been happy with a boy too, but secretly she had always kind of hoped to have a little baby girl first, as she already had a…..Read Full Story Here……….