
LOCK THEM UP: January 6 Committee Traitors “Inadvertently” Expose 2000 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS of Republicans and Their Family Members

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As if we all needed another reason to utterly loathe the anti-Trump haters who led the inquisition against the former President to get him locked up. Now GOP officials and their families are now in grave danger of losing their sacred identities thanks to these scumbags “inadvertently” (or intentionally) leaking their Social Security numbers.

The Washington Post broke this infuriating story this morning. The following details will make your blood boil.

From the Washington Post:

“Also buried in the massive cache was a spreadsheet with nearly 2,000 Social Security numbers associated with visitors to the White House in December 2020, including at least three members of Trump’s Cabinet, a few Republican governors and numerous Trump allies.”

“Exposed individuals don’t appear to have been notified about the leak. The Government Publishing Office (GPO), which originally published the file, did not respond to a request for comment on whether it planned to notify people whose Social Security numbers were exposed.”

“To my knowledge, we were not notified. The governor was not notified,” said Ian Fury, a spokesman for South Dakota Gov. Kristi L. Noem (R). Social Security numbers were listed alongside the names of Noem, her husband and her three children

“Many of those contacted by The Post declined to confirm whether their Social Security numbers matched the ones listed in the file, citing privacy concerns.”

“Representatives of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster (R) and former health and human services secretary Alex Azar, who were listed in the spreadsheet alongside Social Security numbers, declined to comment or did not respond to requests for comment.”

“Whether it was a careless and sloppy handling of records or a deliberate disregard of decorum, either scenario is a perfunctory and callous display of government and a frightening reminder of the current state in Washington,” said former housing and urban development secretary Ben Carson, whose name was listed in the spreadsheet alongside a Social Security number. “President Reagan was a savant indeed — the nine most frightening words to hear are ‘I am from the government and here to help.’”

“A former Jan. 6 committee aide, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly, said that committee “records released publicly underwent a review process to redact personal details and other sensitive information.”

“Any release of such information was inadvertent,” the aide added.”

Leaking the identities of 2000 Republicans is one hell of a mistake. Wonder why this has never happened to the Evil Party.

Oh yeah, probably because there would be actual consequences as a result. This is why a wise person would put money on this leak being intentional to blackmail the GOPers.

Any ordinary citizen who did what the January 6th quislings did, accident or not, would be a facing a long jail sentence. These scoundrels deserve nothing less.

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