
Lost Boy Finds Strange Cave in Forest, Hears Crying for Help from There And the Unexpected Took Place

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Peter sat at the kitchen table and watched his oatmeal plop back into his bowl from his spoon. It had been another bad night for his baby sister, Lily, and his parents were arguing in the sitting room.

“We can’t go on like this,” Mom sobbed. “There has to be something we can do to help our little girl.”

“We can’t afford the treatment, Sharon! You know this,” Dad snapped.

“Of course I do! But maybe there’s something else we can try. Mrs. Nelson next door suggested we ask Tom, you know that man who lives in the forest? The herbalist?”

Dad scoffed. “A herbalist, really? What will it be next, magic and mysticism? Our baby needs medical treatment, and unless your herbalist can give us a magic plant that grows money, he won’t be able to help Lily.”

Lily started screaming again. Peter watched his mother hurry upstairs to her crib and thought about what he’d overheard. Peter often explored the forest and knew Mr. Tom as a kind elderly man. Was it true that he could help Lily? Peter wouldn’t rest until he found out.

Peter tucked two apples and a water bottle into his backpack and set off. It was a short walk from his home to the forest’s edge, where a dirt trail wound into the trees. Peter followed it until he reached an old tree stump that looked like a hand, then veered off between the trees.

Birds sang as they flew from tree to tree, but Peter’s thoughts were too heavy to notice them today. All he could think of was his baby sister. Lily had cried almost constantly since Mom and Dad came home with her. They’d told Peter she was sick, but he didn’t understand all the big words they used.

All Peter knew was that Lily cried like being alive hurt her. He’d held her in his arms and tried to help her feel better, but it didn’t work. Nothing worked. Mom said Lily needed a special doctor from the city, but maybe Mr. Tom could make Lily feel better, Peter was so focused on his thoughts that he didn’t notice the…Read the full story here.,,..


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