Man Abandons His Family, 20 Years Later Daughter Sees Beggar and Recognizes Estranged Father

Shelley Collins was 10 when the father she adored vanished without a trace. One moment he was there, always laughing, and joking, teasing Shelley, kissing her mom, then he was gone.

There was no goodbye note, no explanation. Shelley and her mother Dina had known he wasn’t the victim of some accident because his camera was gone, as was his favorite backpack, his passport, and half of the family’s savings. He had abandoned them.
While Dina wept helplessly, Shelley had been dry-eyed, suffocated by a terrible rage. She’d loved her father, worshiped him. There had been nothing that Nicholas Collins could have done that Shelley wouldn’t have forgiven, except this.
His disappearance without a trace or explanation had left his wife and daughter questioning themselves, wondering what they had done, how they had failed him, believing they somehow deserved this pain.
Because Nicholas had been a talented photographer and had taught Shelley, she refused to pick up a camera until….Read Full Story Here……….