
Man Argues That He is Not The Biological Father Of His Girlfriend’s Child, When the DNA Result Came Out He Was Left In Surprised

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Rachel and her boyfriend, Jason, went to the hospital for the birth of their baby. The delivery went well, but Jason became visibly pale when the doctor saw what Rachel had given birth to. He was speechless. To spare Rachel’s feelings, the doctor suggested that Jason wait outside.

However, Jason appeared next to the doctor, and Rachel noticed his expression change from happiness to sadness. He wanted a DNA test, and although the doctor tried to calm him down, Jason remained determined. Rachel could only say, “If I can’t explain this, it can’t be good.”

The doctor’s face turned red, and he avoided making eye contact with Rachel and Jason. They had never seen him behave this way before.

They were confused and wondered what was happening. When the doctor finally managed to speak, he apologized and informed Jason that further testing was required to provide answers. Rachel couldn’t bear the suspense. She insisted on seeing her child, but the doctor cautioned that it might be risky for the baby. He needed more information.

Rachel pleaded with the doctor to let her see her daughter, but he refused and remained tight-lipped. Jason became angry and confronted the doctor, vowing not to be kept away from his child. The doctor was surprised by Jason’s determination.

Jason went to the hospital’s research wing, surprising the doctor, who called security to intervene. Jason didn’t resist, knowing it wouldn’t end well. Eventually, he was escorted out of the hospital. Meanwhile, Rachel was told she had to….Read Full Story Here……….

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