The old lady appeared to be struggling to understand the greasy man who was speaking a foreign language. She needed a large sum of money, but she had no idea where she could get it from, especially since she was in the middle of nowhere.

She was alone and had doubts about the availability of banks and ATMs in the town. Something didn’t feel right, but she was running out of time and had to make a quick decision. Perhaps, the man would be willing to help her out of pity for her situation.
Once, on the afternoon mag to Harding, who was 90 years old, found herself in a precarious position. An abrupt hissing noise arose from her car as she drove along a quiet Country Road.
Her tire had punctured that day. Panic overtook her, but luck smiled on her. Was there someone who could help her in her old age? Magda had never thought that she’d end up stranded with a punctured tire on a deserted Road. The misfortune struck her while she was on her way to her friend Martha in Connecticut. Her flat tire was….Read Full Story Here……….