Man Opens Neighbors Package, He Immediately Called The Police When He Found This Inside

When Mike opens his noisy garage doors, he is startled by a bad smell. As soon as he steps inside, he feels sick because the smell is so gross. Where did the smell come from?

Mike feels really bad when he sees his neighbor’s delivery unexpectedly. Something in the box made the bad smell. He thinks his neighbor got one of those boxes that have meat inside each month. But there was no meat inside. This was a really shocking experience.
Mike Jones is a normal guy in a regular town. People in the town know Mike as a nice neighbor who helps others. But he didn’t know something strange was going to happen when he agreed to help a new neighbor.
Mike has lived in the same house for 11 years. Every time someone new moves in, he welcomes them warmly. So when his new neighbor asked Mike to pick up his mail while he was away, Mike said yes, like a friendly neighbor would.
Mike’s new neighbor is younger than him and makes YouTube videos. He likes doing weird things to get famous. At first, Mike doesn’t mind. He just thinks his neighbor is young. But he doesn’t know how far his neighbor will go to become famous.
One Friday afternoon, Mike hears a knock at the door. It’s his YouTuber neighbor. He’s going away for a few weeks and asks Mike to get his mail. Mike is happy to help. But he doesn’t know what’s coming.
One night, Mike finds a package at his neighbor’s house. It says “Return to Sender” on it. It takes him a while to move the big box to his garage. When he opens the squeaky garage doors, he accidentally drops the box. He hears a crack. He hopes nothing inside is broken. But he doesn’t know what he’s done.
Days pass, and Mike forgets about the box until he smells something bad in his house. He looks everywhere but realizes he hasn’t checked the garage. When he opens the door, the smell is awful. He sees the box and realizes the smell is coming from there.
Mike feels sick when he sees the box. At first, he thinks maybe his neighbor ordered meat. But the box is wet, and Mike feels disgusted. When he opens it, he sees his dead neighbor inside. He calls for help right away.
The police come quickly. They question Mike but find out he didn’t do anything wrong. But there’s something important in the box with his neighbor’s body. It’s a camera. The police show Mike the footage. He’s shocked by what he sees.
The footage shows Mike’s neighbor inside the box, trying to mail himself. He thought it would make him famous. But something goes wrong, and the box falls over. His neighbor breaks his neck and dies. Mike feels terrible.
But there’s something Mike didn’t tell the police. In the footage, he hears his garage door. He realizes the accident happened in his garage. Now he has to decide whether to tell the police the truth or not.
The police pause the video and ask Mike questions. He admits everything. The box fell in his garage, and he’s responsible for his neighbor’s death. He’s scared of what will happen next.
The police officer tells Mike he won’t be charged with a crime because it was an accident. But his neighbor’s family might want to sue him for compensation. Mike feels better knowing he told the truth, but he worries about what will happen next.