
Man Sees Girlfriend without Makeup for the First Time, Flees in an Instant

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A woman hesitantly wiped off her makeup in public as part of a challenge. When her boyfriend of two weeks saw her bare-faced for the first time, his reaction was anything but what she expected.

Love is supposed to be unconditional, but it is just skin deep for some. In a shocking turn of events, a young woman lost more than just a few layers of makeup after completing a challenge that required her to go bare-faced at the start of 2023.

The challenge was a fun activity and an opportunity to earn some extra money. Lupita Anaya, a social media influencer from Mexico, offered a reward of two thousand pesos (about $107) to the woman willing to take off her makeup. However, the activity didn’t go as planned.

Influencer’s Challenge Leads to Disastrous Outcome
Social media is increasingly becoming a platform for various trends and challenges, including offering cash rewards to participants for completing specific tasks.

Influencer Anaya approached a couple in Baja, California, and asked them if they were interested in a unique challenge. Nobody knew it would lead to a disastrous outcome.

Boyfriend Sees Partner without Makeup for the First Time

The brave young woman stepped up to take on the challenge of removing her makeup in public, although she initially had doubts. Thanks to the motivation from her partner, Christian, and the prospect of winning the cash prize, she did it.

With the help of some wet wipes, she began removing her makeup, mainly from the eye area where it was the most difficult to remove.

It was a slow process, and she even wiped off much of her eyebrows, while explaining it was the first time her boyfriend would see her without makeup.

Even though the young woman received her cash prize, she seemed disappointed and confused.

Throughout the makeup removal process, the young woman’s boyfriend became increasingly fidgety and kept looking at his girlfriend’s face. Christian stared with growing concern and appeared uneasy, keeping his distance.

The young man continued to watch as his girlfriend removed the makeup from her face, seemingly becoming more uncomfortable as the minutes went by.

She Couldn’t Find Her Partner

The influencer cheered as the participant finished the challenge, but they soon realized something was wrong. The young woman was now alone.

Christian had disappeared from her side and was nowhere to be found in the plaza. The video shows the young woman calling out his name and looking for him, but he is no longer visible in the footage. The worried woman asked:

“Christian? Where is Christian, my partner?”

The Boyfriend Fled the Scene

The woman’s disappointment was evident as she checked her phone and continued searching for her partner. She began to wonder if he left her because of her appearance without makeup, expressing:

“Oh, don’t tell me he left. Did he leave me because I took my makeup off? I knew it, I knew it … Challenge accomplished and new bachelorette.”

The young man who had egged her on to accept the makeup challenge was nowhere to be found, and his girlfriend was left standing there wondering what his unexpected response might mean for their relationship.

Woman Disappointed after Challenge Reveals Boyfriend’s True Feelings
Even though the young woman received her cash prize, she seemed disappointed and confused. She never knew her partner’s love was so fragile that it could be shattered by something as simple as a makeup removal challenge.

As soon as he saw her without makeup, he left, leaving the woman to wonder if he couldn’t bear the sight and ended their relationship on the spot. He didn’t even stay to see her clean face and natural beauty.

Online Users Support the Young Woman
The influencer stated that both natural beauty and wearing makeup could be beautiful, and netizens agreed. But many also wanted to share their opinions about the man who presumably dumped his girlfriend:

“Unbelievable. She looked very pretty without makeup.”

“She is beautiful with or without. It is the same beauty.”

– (Roberto Gonzalez Gonzalez) January 28, 2023

“She’s very beautiful without makeup. She’ll find someone who appreciates her.”

– (Rosa Sanchez) January 26, 2023

“What a bad vibe with the guy. The girl didn’t change anything, her face was very beautiful… Well, at least she won’t choose the same kind of man again.”

– (Mariela Gmba Hdz) January 27, 2023

It is time to challenge the notion that beauty is only skin deep. Makeup is an art, a way of expressing oneself, but it should never be a factor that determines a person’s worth. Love is not about how someone looks. Hopefully, this young woman will find a partner who appreciates her for more than the exterior.

Check out this story about a man who left his partner, labeling her “too fat and ugly” and not deserving of his attention. However, years later, he gets a taste of his own medicine when he comes across her photo on the front page of a popular magazine.

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