
Man Sets Up Hidden Camera After Food Goes Missing, Finds Creepy Woman Crawling Down And He Was Left In Shock

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We all have those awkward moments, you know, the ones where you head to the fridge or the pantry only to find the item you were looking for just isn’t there.

You swear that it was there, you must have eaten it and forgotten. Maybe somebody else ate it, but you live alone. You check with your girlfriend, and she claims that she’s done nothing of the sort. What do you do?

Well, Joe had the same problem, and with an apparent lack of trust, he decided to do something about it. Joe set up a video camera to catch his girlfriend in the act, but what he found was something straight out of a horror film.

You may want to familiarize yourself with the layout of the kitchen, as the video quality is not that phenomenal. Note the circle illustrating the entry point; it appears to be something like a cold air return.

This is not Joe’s girlfriend. I would flip my lid. It’s strange enough that there is a stranger who has found their way into your home, but it appears they have brought their own…..Read Full Story Here And Watch Video……..

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