
Man took a picture of his dying wife before she gave birth, ‘then Noticed Something No One B£elieved’!

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According to Chris, when it came time for his wife, Brigette, to deliver her twins, he decided to snap one last picture. Then it was off to the hospital so the couple, who already had three sons together, could meet the two newest additions to the family. Brigette gave birth via c-section to perfect and healthy babies. But fear soon overshadowed the moment, as his wife’s body started attacking itself. Brigette suffered an amniotic fluid embolism, a condition that occurs during one in 80,000 births.

In an amniotic fluid embolism, amniotic fluid gets into the mother’s bloodstream, causing a serious and often deadly reaction. The survival rate is only 20 percent. Brigette experienced internal bleeding, and both her blood pressure and heart rate dropped dangerously low. Doctors performed two emergency surgeries. Terrified the twins would never get to know their mother, Chris put out a call for prayer on Facebook. And the response was overwhelming! All of the many prayers worked.

Despite all the odds, Brigette’s condition stabilized. And more than just survive, Brigette amazed doctors with how quickly she recovered. As Chris went through pictures taken before the hospital scare, his wife’s pre-delivery photo with a halo took on a new meaning. It became clear the photo was a sign from God that everything was going to be ok!

In his wife’s pre-delivery photo, a halo surrounds Brigette’s head, presumably from the flash reflecting back from the flatscreen TV. It seemed like a coincidence at first. But now, the brave man is sure it’s a sign that God was looking after their family! Brigette continued to improve and was finally able to go home to her family — a day they feared would never come! Regardless of whether you think the halo in the photo of Brigette is just the flash or truly a sign, there’s no question God perform a miracle!

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