Man Walks 20 Miles To Work Until One Day Cop Follows Him And Sees Why and He Discovered The Unexpected

Walter Car had moved to Homewood, Alabama with his mother after tragedy struck. They had hoped to rebuild their lives after their home was destroyed by the monster Hurricane Katrina and wanted a fresh start. Walter was a twenty-year-old student, but he was determined to work to support his mother. Little did he know just how hard that would prove to be.

Walter had heard that there was a position available at Bellhops, a moving company about 20 miles away from where he lived. It was far to travel, but he had his trusty old car, so he drove over and filled in the application and was lucky to get an interview right then and there. He shook the hiring manager’s hand and agreed to start the very next day.
If only it were so easy. Just a few feet away from his driveway, his old car spluttered to a halt. Walter’s heart started to race as he opened the hood and peered inside. Of all days, his car chose this one to finally give in and die. To his dismay, smoke poured from the engine, and he knew that there would be no starting it again.
Walter pulled out his phone to tell the manager of Bellhops that he wouldn’t be starting after all. Then he changed his mind. Walter was young and fit, but still, 20 miles is an impossible distance. But Walter was determined. Maybe he could do it. He keyed in the address into Google Maps, and then he started to cry. In defeat, it would take him 7 hours to get there on foot, and he had no money to get his car repaired. What could Walter do? He needed this job. His mother was unable to make house payments, and they could find themselves homeless again within a month. Walter simply couldn’t let that happen. He had to try.
So he set his alarm for 12 a.m. and tried to get a good night’s sleep. When 12 a.m. rolled around, Walter awoke. He pulled on his most comfortable sneakers, threw on his jacket, and set off into the night. It would take seven hours to get there, but…Read Full Story Here……….