
Maria Bartiromo Pans Covid Vaccine Authorization, Claims Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine ‘Were Effective’ Treatments

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Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo interviewed Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Thursday about his longstanding criticism of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the government’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The heavy-handed interview, which saw Bartiromo spin conspiracies related to the Covid vaccines and other drugs she claimed are “effective” treatments, began with her blasting President Joe Biden and suggesting one reason the public still doesn’t know the origins of the Covid-19 virus is because he is “compromised” by China.

After Paul slammed Biden for not signing a bill to declassify reports on Covid-19’s origins, Bartiromo jumped in saying, “it’s one of the reasons we keep a spotlight on this compromised story and all the money Biden’s been taking in, because we can’t understand why he is so soft on China.”

After a back-and-forth tearing into Fauci, Bartiromo declared, “Well, there were also all these lies around the emergency authorization.”

“They needed the emergency authorization to get the vaccines down everybody’s throats. But in order to do that, they had to prove that there was nothing else on the market that could actually treat COVID. When we all know ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine were effective, weren’t they?” Bartiromo asked.

“Well we also know that prior infection is effective, at least as effective as a vaccine,” Paul replied, dodging any further discussion of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

“And for a year we didn’t have a vaccine. What was the one thing that could have saved people’s lives in the nursing homes? We should have had nurses and nurses assistants who were taking care of the elderly who had already recovered from Covid,” Paul continued, adding:

There were plenty of people after a month or two that had recovered, we could have saved thousands of lives if you would admitted that prior infection is protective not only of the person who keeps you from spreading it to the elderly. And we could have used that strategy. But Anthony Fauci dismissed it. And as a consequence, thousands of people died in nursing homes because of his downplaying of prior immunity or prior infection and immunity.

Bartiromo’s claim regarding the suppression of other treatments to allegedly make way for the vaccines has become so common in some circles that the Associated Press ran a fact check on it in December 2022.

The AP’s article, titled, “COVID treatments weren’t suppressed to OK vaccines’ emergency use,” concludes the claim is false and notes several other treatments and vaccines were approved both before and after the vaccines were authorized for emergency use.

The AP explains:

In fact, even after the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines received full approval, the FDA in July granted an emergency use authorization for a new COVID-19 vaccine from Novavax.

The FDA also had approved the drug remdesivir for use in hospitalized COVID-19 patients in October 2020 — two months before the agency authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine, from Pfizer, for emergency use.

Additionally, the AP notes that the “body of scientific evidence available has not proven that ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine are effective in treating COVID-19.” Notably, not only is neither drug an anti-viral medication, but hydroxychloroquine is actually an immunosuppressive drug used to treat auto-immune disorders – among other things.

Watch the full clip above Fox Business.

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