Massive Number Of People Moved Out Of Failed-State California In 2022 – More Than Any Other State

Americans are fleeing far-left California.
Over 300,000 people left California for another state in 2022 – this is more than left any other state.
Breitbart reported:
The U.S. Census Bureau reported Thursday that 300,000 people left California in 2022, more than left any other state, amid a general slow increase in the U.S. population as the country recovered from COVID-19.
The estimates cover the period from July 2021 to July 2022.
2020 was the first time in the history of the state of California the population contracted.
Between July 2021 and July 2022, California’s number of residents dropped from 39,142,991 to 39,029,342 which is a loss of around 114,000 people.
Data shows that 343,230 people left California throughout that same period.
Breitbart reported:
The U.S. Census Bureau reported Thursday that 300,000 people left California in 2022, more than left any other state, amid a general slow increase in the U.S. population as the country recovered from COVID-19.
The estimates cover the period from July 2021 to July 2022.
2020 was the first time in the history of the state of California the population contracted.
Between July 2021 and July 2022, California’s number of residents dropped from 39,142,991 to 39,029,342 which is a loss of around 114,000 people.
Data shows that 343,230 people left California throughout that same period
Sacramento Bee reported:
In 2020, California’s population contracted for the first time in state history, a drop that contributed to the state losing a seat in the House of Representatives.
Between July 2021 and July 2022, the number of California residents dropped from 39,142,991 to 39,029,342 — a loss of about 114,000 people, the new data shows. There were more births than deaths in the state, and 125,715 immigrants made their homes here in that one-year span. Most of the population decline was explained by the 343,230 people who moved to other U.S. states.
The Public Policy Institute of California reported that between 2015 and 2021, 413,000 adults cited housing as a primary reason they moved out of state; a majority of those leaving were middle- or low-income people. The institute’s state survey found that 64% of adults in California say housing affordability is “a big problem” where they live.
If California’s liberal policies work why are people leaving?